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Hello everyone!

As you know this is the first episode of the short stories I'm going to make along side with the monthly episodes as I mentioned in a previous post.

So it's turn for Lozen Galefrost, know her story and I hope you enjoy this first part which mostly is for introduction and for boob lovers. Fun fact is that this story I made it for a friend in spanish and he told me to share it fully. Maybe I'll release the episode fully in spanish later in E-hentai.

Also, I'll be uploading the first episodes of the short stories to E-hentai.


Download (Textless). 

Thank you guys for the patience, I'll be resting for a little since I'm getting a little sick. Oh and also I'm making a short story with Seythira when she was younger about a time she got imprisoned with two Gob-Goblins.




Not bad, I like it


This was a pretty good episode the lore in this world is pretty interesting and the Countess Lozen is not only sexy but intriguing I'm down to see where this goes and I can't wait to see that Seythira episode excellent job Evankstein 👍