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Hey guys!

Sorry for the little delay on this episode I thought I would have it on the 25th but sometimes plans don't go as planned. Still, apologies.

Now I know in this story it may be an "issue" in how I put Samus with or without her iconic Zero Suit, so it may take away her identity which I agree I should show her more in her Suit.

Still I feel that her story as I've written it implies that these situations have to occur. Like some parts of this episode and her relation with Sylv and her Succubi. And also in this episode I wanted to show a more "romantic" side for Samus. Next episode I will add tentacles and all of that good stuff for sure.


Download (textless). 

Also, with the update of Tifa's hairstyle I had to update her Succubi version, you can see an image and normal Tifa using the costume that she feels is quite short.

I have to say I'm very excited for next month with Black Flower and sharing more secondary content such as starting with short stories and new projects!

Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy the episode, also, next episode for the secondary stories is going to be Lockhart Avenue.



jonatha mendoza

no worries! can't wait for more!! and I hope in lockhart avenue, we finally see the first appearance of female cloud! if not, well we can wait


No worries about the delay, as long as I know if/when the episode will release on the estimated days I don't mind waiting however long for them. Really excited to read this episode, can't wait to see what's in store :)

Tyler Petty

thats fine delays happen it happens to all anyway cant wait to see what you are going to do in black flower and tifa avenue


A lovely episode this one, it was nice to see the reunion between Samus and the old Sylv and the notion of them getting together too is sweet (would be really interesting to actually see Samus have children and experience motherhood though I understand it’s not likely, maybe in an illusion like Chell😏). Very interesting to get more background on the succubus and seeing her in action, along with her name reveal in the story. Very interested in knowing more about what knowing a succubus name carries with it and what the consequence is that she didn’t manage to mention. Loved seeing the cameo of 2B and 9S as well. I think you did a great job of mixing them with Samus’ story in a way that made sense. Great work again, as always these episodes are worth the wait. Can’t wait to see more spicy scenes in the next Samus episode. In the meantime looking forward to Black Flower and Lockhart Avenue😁


This may rustle some feathers: The Zero Suit should take the back seat. Sure it's an iconic part, but if that's the only identifier one clamors for--It's reducing the character to a single aspect of their self. Samus should be able to be Samus without being tethered to the Zero Suit. It would be much more interesting to see the character evolve into a Samus inspired or whatever is planned rather than have her relegated to her original Nintendo Identity. I personally hope she out grows the suit as a character -okay maybe physically out grow as well 😆


This was a really cute episode and I like the new redheaded robots hope we get to see more of them in future episodes and finally a name reveal for that succubi and I can't wait to see what plans the Supreme Creator has for Akai if she wins good episode Evankstein.


I do see where you’re coming from and I definitely agree that an item of clothing/outfit shouldn’t be what defines a character. Character designs and outfits change all the time in game series and it shows their development both personally and creatively. I also agree that the character should be left to bloom into whatever they're destined to be in this story away from their original game identity. It would seem however that the suit does have a practical use storytelling wise and it looks to me like it may have some further function down the line though I'm not sure. I really like the portrayal of her character in this story so far and I certainly wouldn’t mind if her outfit changed, I myself just really like bodysuits and skin tight stuff so the current works for me either way. Personally though, I would really love to see a zero suit that combines the classic with some features of the story, maybe one enhanced with technology from the empire or a new colour scheme depicting her fusion with her succubus or maybe a new outfit given to her by Sylv though I know that would be difficult to make and probably a lot to ask for.


D**m, you are genius.


Just want to know how you can make so many good horny love stories.


@shouraishi stories andcharacters are def top tier. My favorite erotic stories rn.


I believe the succubi revealed her name near the end of this chapter.


Wait Samus was in a diff outfit ? I just noticed she was naked lol Honestly doesn't matter what she wears Samus will always be recognizable. Much like Tifa. I don't mind that this ep was slightly delayed but a quick update would be nice. I liked that this ep explored the relationships between her and the succubi and Syvie. It was nice to see a romance blossom between them. A lot of emotion conveyed here which I enjoyed. Loving passionate sex is just as hot as passionate lustful sex imo. My only gripe is it left on such a cliffhanger lol damn I really wanted to see what happens with the mother of androids and the cast. That is going to be some months wait but like most great stories good things come with time. Oh lastly, I saw what he did with the subtle breeding kink ;) It shows the creator really listens.


The tension and build up is what makes the creator's stories so riveting and add even more to the payoff when the sexy times finally happens. I mean this is a adult porn comic, clothes are going to come off. I do appreciate the characters, with and w/o their outfits, are equally sexy. I already believe the creator is still following his niche (big milky boob fetish, boob worship, futa women only) and I continue to be a patron for that reason.