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Hello guys, sorry for another month of delayed episodes. I was hoping to get my schedule right on this month, which I did but I'm just pretty busy this month.

As you know this is the final episode of Far Away (unless if you guys want to see more of those characters) so I want it to be really good, also with Black Flower I want that story to be at the same time with the others and I did a lot of stuff to be there and fit in the story so I guess 25~30 days are starting to feel quite low for 2 episodes per month.

Anyways, Far Away will be ready on the next week, probably on wednesday 3rd  or thursday 4th. For Black Flower Monday 8th or Tuesday 9th.

Also I want to share with you guys that maybe I'll change the schedule of the episodes to every month here on Patreon I can upload the exclusive ones the same month and the "free" ones of the main story every 1 month and half on the day 15 of the month, ¿what do you guys think?

I'll continue working on the episodes and thank you for your patience.



It's cool with me because I know you always deliver and the episodes are getting better their worth the wait

hehe julie

Do it, so that it works for you man. It was good getting them all at the same time, but if its difficult, then space them out, as long as the quality doesnt decrease , im sure most of us will be happy. Keep up the good work, cant wait for the July episodes, im sure they will be special. Cheers