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Hello guys. Very late on this episode so thank you so much for your patience.

As you know I'm having some personal issues after having issues with my PC the past month, so that really fucked my normal schedule. That's why I'm taking the rest of this month (after posting Milky Mystery) to address those issues. 

Now with the episode. I wanted this episode to be really special since it touches a little the back story of Souen and Seythira so I guess I did more lore than sex scenes.

Also, I have better settings so the image may look better in this episode (more pixels in the images)


I would love to end Far Away in episode 6 and as some of you suggested with big sex scenes with the all of the main characters of this story involved.

I'll post Milky Mystery 7 as soon as I have it. As always thank you for your support and your patiance :)



hehe julie

Hey ,Evan. Thank you once again for coming through. Hope you will manage to work out your personal issues , take all the time you need , im sure most of us will be here waiting and rooting for you.


What a amazing paring of Souen and Darla. That scene was so hot I only wished it would go on forever.