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Hello everyone, I hope you're having a great final month of the year :)

I wanted to share the results of the poll I did for the episode here on Patreon for December and the winner is, yet again, Samus Aran. In her episode we'll get to see the Ancient Succubi she carries inside her and what is she going to do as she sees what the world has become.

Pretty much this will be the episode that connects with the main plot for Samus.

 And for Fateless, this is a very important episode, I remember imagining this very episode a long time ago and I finally get the chance to make it real and show it.

One of the great points in this episode for Fateless is that Larissa is coming back since she's Rachel/Chel "Guardian". So she'll be in the next arc with the team :)

Thanks again for all the support and I hope I can post the episodes on the 28th~29th, so see ya soon!



hehe julie

I was really hoping for "Far away" its been a while since we had one


Yeah, actually Far Away was second and I was thinking probably I could do Ep. 4 next month.