Poll Results for September + Rachel/Chel Bonus. (Patreon)
Hello everyone!
The results of the poll for the episodes of September are: Milky Mistery + The Lockhart Avenue.
Samus story was pretty close to Tifa's, and the Black Flower story was second after Milky Mistery so, Michaella and Samus will be on the episodes for September.
Also, I thought to share with you guys this little comparison on how Rachel/Chel body has changed over all these episodes, I realized I had 13 versions of her right now since the very first time she appeared.
Here she is on her first version to this last one. On that desk hidding from the guard and getting touched by that little elf Aki.
¿What would be the thoughts of her versions of the past and the future if they see each other?
As always, thank you guys for all the support and see you in the end of the month with Milky Mistery and Lockhart Avenue.