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Hello again!

As always, thank you all for the support for these stories and I hope that you guys enjoy them every month as much as I do making them.

In this one there is the connection of Chrono Travelers and Lockhart Avenue. You can notice that there is 1 day between the story of Tifa and this one, I'll leave that there since it was suggested that there could be an apperance of Scarlet from FF7 so that can be a nice extra to fill that day on the Tifa's story.

Same as Fateless, since this is a point of 2 stories crossing, there is much to show so in the next episode on Tifa's side we'll continue the story.


Again, thanks for the support guys. I'll make a poll so you guys can vote on the next episode here in Patreon for the next month.

One last thing, if you like to send me a private message or leave it in the comments on questions, feeedback or suggestions, pleease feel free to do so.



Case Green

Beautiful, thicc bodies slapping together. 💘


Tifa better not forget about getting Marin

Mr. Don Juan

Slight SPOILER WARNING for those who didn't read it yet. I particularly enjoyed what you did with Tifa at the beginning. It reminded me of what you did with Tracer and Widow at the beginning of this series. Seeing the main characters brainwashed by the villains and their thicc bodies put in sexy skimpy bikinis, I hope you keep that up