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Hello everyone! I hope you're all safe and enjoying any festivities you may celebrate these days.

This episode of Chrono Travelers I speed up things so the next episode it will connect with Tifa's story, as you see days are passing quickly and the next one will connect a remake of the "Breast Game" I did some time ago.

I want to thank you so much for the big support you are giving me and I'll keep improving and bringing you guys better and better episodes.


Pass: Confusion332168

Thank you all and have a wonderful beginning of a new year.




Great chapters this Month! I look forward to seeing the remake of the Breast Game! Have a Happy New Year! 🙂

Alex Weller

Just want to say thanks evankstein for doing what you did, I can read everything above this one and I hope you continue doing it for all of them if you have the time.