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Hello everyone, this is the first episode on the short stories I mentioned, these are like "day by day" erotic moments that could happend in the life of other characters in the same universe as the main story "fateless". 

The rest of the pages for this one will be up tomorrow.

The other two short stories with other characters and situations will be ready the same day I usually upload with Fateless ep 6 as well at that time, around 27~28 of the month if everything goes fine.

I hope you enjoy these short stories and until next time!



Alex Weller

Hey Evankstein, do you think you could do what you did with ero-women with these other Patreon only stories as I can’t unzip any of them.


Hello hello, sorry for the late reply. Oh that's weird that you can't unzip them, you may want to check if you have an updated software to do so. I could upload the full stories here but it will be too much images to load every time people browse my page since they usually are 50~100 pages. So I think you could look into the software issue so you can open them. Tell me if you resolve the issue and if not I think I can refund your sub if you want.


Hello Ca'nt find links for this and the next 2 Ero women, sounds like the were available in a MEGA folder before, is that no longer the case?