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In recent months, my thinking is that AI cannot finely draw some more complex things, such as special-shaped accessories on characters.

I did gain a better understanding of a lot of materials and contrasts. Looking at the work half a year ago now, I feel that it is very crude. But that doesn't seem to make much sense.

Perhaps the important thing should be the narrative. Should try to tell a story. Rather than focusing on painting techniques. AI is too strong in painting techniques.

For example, the Mona I painted before. At first I read in the character text that Mona likes to look up at the stars. This is actually a good idea. There is a little romance. I know a saying that human beings will eventually go to the universe. It all started with a Homo erectus looking up at the starry sky in ancient times. As for the starry sky of Teyvat, according to the clues of the game, "The starry sky of Teyvat is false." So there are many stories to tell here.

I also conceived a composition in which Mona sat on the cliff looking up at the starry sky and stretched out her hand to the starry sky. The composition adopts a top-down perspective. Focus on drawing Mona's hand reaching for the camera. The starry sky uses the reflection of Mona's eyes to express.

But, this has nothing to do with foot control. I'm also not sure if I can show what I envisioned. The hands with a strong sense of perspective, and the eyes that can clearly express the reflection of the starry sky. The night view and the feeling of the wind blowing through the grass.

So in the end it's just an idea. I drew more conservative content, which is the picture you see. The colors feel beautiful and I managed to coordinate the various color blocks. But the content is mediocre.

Maybe I should get an assistant?



I volunteer as tribute for the assistant role if you want to follow through on that.


I think it’s a great idea! For sure a really detailed and immersive drawing without any soft porn would be really appreciated too :)


Your drawing are always amazing and if you have something envisioned in your mind, then go for it! Even if it is not about feet. An assistant might help you focus, perhaps someone that can speak Chinese to make the communication side a bit easier for you.


Thank you for your kindness, I haven't decided yet. But maybe if I'm looking for it, it's better to be someone I can meet face to face, otherwise the communication itself might become an issue as well.


I figured that if someone could help me with a part of the painting, I would be able to experiment with different ideas.


Yes, communication is important. It is impossible for me to hire a mature painter with my income. So if there is an assistant, then I probably have to communicate with it a lot.


I can totally understand that, but you can always add a higher tier to support you a bit more! ^-^


I'll admit that I did initially start following you for the foot, but I've been a patron for a couple years now and now it's not much of a concern, the painting is always beautiful. Recent piece featuring Yor Forger is a good example in that it's not explicitly foot focused but still has that beauty element, if you wanted to keep your niche. Love whatever you decide to do. ❤️


Not yet. I can't think of anything else I could offer. And my current income is enough to live on. Although not enough to start a family, it is more than enough to raise a few cats. :P


Thank you for your ongoing support. I wish I could have drawn better artwork faster. :3


Then post cute cat pics for the higher tier! xD


True, but if you ever need someone for aid or advice, I'm usually always available. And my offer is still on the table for you if you come to a decision about it.




Well, I think it's a good idea to have a work assistant. That's why you were so friendly about using AI in the first place.




My attitude towards AI has been a bit mixed from the beginning. Its effect is surprising, but it also makes me think about the meaning of "painting" and "creation". If one day the things automatically generated by AI can rival the greatest human painters, what is left for human beings? It would be terrible if all the fine art that humans admired was generated by machines according to algorithms. But, fortunately, the current AI has no thoughts and cannot tell stories.


However, in terms of being an assistant, AI cannot shorten the drawing time. I've fully researched the potential of this thing. It has a lot of mistakes that are easy to spot, such as finger counts, and twisted ornaments. There are also many errors that are not easy to detect, such as perspective, occlusion, and spatial relationships. The most effective part of it so far is to provide some references, such as fabric folds, light and dark relations in large areas, and color inspiration.