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Currently I am confused that some simple content AI can already do it very well. Like my works before August last year. I think the picture should be developed in a more complex and creative direction. But creativity is not always there,,, and it is slow.

On the other hand, if I use AI, I can produce some soft porn related content very efficiently. Like a character wearing an uncomplicated costume. Maybe I can finish a simple work in 3 or 4 days.

I'm not sure if you think my current update frequency is too slow. And views on whether to use AI.



For me the update frequency is not a problem, if it takes longer then so be it! I prefer quality over quantity, and you always deliver quality. AI art is a bit of a difficult subject now especially with all the law suits going on now too, however, I do think it could be used as a reference point if creativity isn't there, or background work etc, but I also think it's good to not rely on it too much.


Well, I don't know which one to choose because I don't know how much you rely on AI.


Yes, AI has no real creativity. Even if it occasionally produces something beautiful, its users don't know why. Relying on AI will hinder artistic progress.


For now, I'm just working on AI software. It is incapable of drawing all complex poses and fine ornaments. But its progress in painting faces, chests, torsos, and legs has been astonishing. And the resolution is also the short board of AI. It can hardly draw the content of more than 2000 pixels. This may be related to its underlying logic, not just the insufficient computing power of the graphics card.


I believe this is something we call in the States a "Catch 22." Essentially, you're trapped and discouraged with the increase in both AI usage and your slower drawing progress which in turn seems to be bringing you to a situation where you're seemingly forced to use the very thing that is frustrating you. It's frustrating to see these simple to decent works pumped out in minutes and uploaded in art spaces when it can take weeks for actual artists like you to create high quality works for the same or a slight difference in exposure. It used to be highly praised when fast artists could draw an art piece of a newly released character from a game or anime, but now thanks to AI more and more people can do this off the cuff so the thrill and highlight of it is lost while the mere consumer technically wins off of the mere fact of quantity. Your quality is incredible, Nekoda. It's something I strive to one day achieve when I get back into art myself (broken laptop makes me sad). My honest opinion is that I think you could likely experiment. Maybe use the AI for simple works or to help you speed up a bit? If it's faster for the AI to do bases and then you can use your skills to clean it up for a completed work with little to no change at all in quality, then I would not have a problem with it. I always love seeing your works in my feed and email, but I don't think going with full AI works is the way to go. You CAN actually draw! You have a talent and skill! However, I can definitely see the frustration building and perhaps it might benefit you to spend maybe a couple months or so experimenting with AI works to help improve your art drawing speed. If anything, instead of doing nothing but super high quality art pieces, you could simplify some down with the help of AI to produce more works per month while still doing a high piece or two a month if you're able. It's more work, but it might help with gaining some freedom and relief that I feel you desperately need. Please don't stress about this too much and take care of yourself. I'll always be here to support you! If you want to chat further and perhaps discuss some ideas, we can always do so in DMs! I seriously want to help you. I don't like seeing you so discouraged.


Hard to say honestly. I love your works, maybe experiment with some less complicated pieces and see how that works for you? Don’t get me wrong I love your complicated works but maybe try stuff that’s like more mundane and characters you create?


First of all thank you for your continued support :3 . Doing this will increase the number of paintings I get done each month. Drawing something simple makes me feel a lot easier, but advances in AI confuse me about the point of doing so. Compared with AI speed is desperate.

Knight 99

Don't let AI get to you, you're plenty creative, and your art style is detailed and sophisticated where it can hold on its own. Ai may be able to make complex works, but it still can't make hands and eyes, like the example from you sent in this thread. So I wouldn't worry about AI art, it still won't be a human drawing anything, AI seems to do well with more abstract art, like creating a garden, or landscape. Even with all that said, it's up to you what you want to do, and how you go about it, just don't get discouraged, you're plenty creative, you might just be burnt out and need a break.

A Eizenheim

I support your work no matter which direction you choose to go. Please continue to create art that pleases your heart, soul, and mind. Thank you very much for considering our thoughts and your fans will always stand by your decision!


To start: I personally voted for "No, reject AI". But my stance is a bit more complex. Why – To me, art and AI art is a bit like photos and paintings. I can take a quick picture of something with my smartphone, and it looks at least decent. But this picture has to be a lucky shot to compete with a professional photographer and his lights or an artist creating an image of the subject. Sames goes for AI. I use it to quickly generate an asset for our TTRPG sessions, if I couldn't find something online. But when browsing Pixiv, Reddit or Twitter, I am not interested in AI art. Pixiv is switched to human-art, and on Reddit and Twitter I mute accounts, that post pure AI-art exclusively. I feel a sense of "happiness" to know that my upvote, like, retweet etc. maybe made an artist happy today. This extends to my Patreon/Fanbox as well. The best of the best are a part of my monthly artist budget. As for AI and your art: I can't tell you what to do and what not to do. But I can say I would rather have a happy nekoda, than an overworked and stressed one. Reading through the comments, I feel like you want to deliver more art in a month. I am happy with either of the traditional solutions, being few but high-detail artworks, or more but simpler ones (e.g. simple background). Just looking through your past works, the amount of detail you put into one image increases a lot over the years! If you want to do AI experiments, I am curious what a person of your high skill level can do with it. Very important: If you have to pay for *any* of the services you want to use, please DM me. There are very easy to use alternatives, that can produce good outputs, as long as you have a decent GPU using Diffusion Models. (Additionally, if you want to dive even further into it, we could set up a Hypernetwork for a certain style of generated images.) tl;dr I will not stop supporting artists, because AI is the trend of the last half year. I am fine with either fewer but high detail, or more but simpler artworks. More different artworks might also be a nice plan, if you have a lot of ideas what you want to do, but don't have the time to draw them all. Lastly, if you want to experiment a bit with AI, I am curious what your experience working with it will be, and I can offer my help if needed/wanted.

Hannah Avril

AI + Hand made = super nekoda!!!


I personally think quality hand made content is much much better than ai generated content. Even if it takes longer to produce, the quality and care put into the work is special and incredibly impressive.