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Whats good guys! feels good to be BACK! Happy MICRO MAY!

Been an incredible month for my career and personal activites, feeling refreshed and satisfied with whats coming in the future.

That being said, its time to hit it back with some good size goods for y'all! So enjoy the little fun sketches i was able to pump during it an get ready for a lot more to come this month!

Will make a separate post with the news and coming projects!.

Thanks for sticking by! have a good start of the week!.

Guest OCs included in this batch : Rayn, Rook, Saax, Pondrous, E-zoid, Chibs, Futon, DD, Oric and Gorb ( rights to their respective owners ) 



Andy the Nook

God damn these are all so fucking good!!!!


macro cat lovers eating good!