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Hello everyone and thank you for your continued support!

Without further ado, here are the results of last month's pred poll:

1st place: Mona (Genshin Impact), 32 votes total.

2nd place: Essex (Azur Lane), 20 votes total.

3rd place: Enterprise (Azur Lane), 16 votes total.

As usual, I'll be working on the winner's pic over this month, so feel free to let know if you have any suggestions or ideas in the meantime.

In other news, as requested by Japanese fans, I've started a Pixiv Fanbox page too! The rewards are exactly the same as Patreon (including the poll), so it's just a matter of preference of whether you prefer to support me on Patreon of Fanbox:


Also, thank you very much for the 2k follows on Twitter, 2.4k watches on DeviantArt, and 3.2k follows on Pixiv! This means a lot to me, so feel free to let me know if you have any ideas for future pics as well.

This month's poll should be posted soon, and some of the remaining poll candidates will be carried over to the next poll. Again, the least voted girls will be dropped to make room for new candidate suggestions. As a reminder, in case anybody you liked got dropped, feel free to suggest them back in again later any time.


