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Hello everyone!

First, I would like to thank every single one of you that has supported me in the past, currently supporting, or plan to support in the future! I know I say this a lot, but it really is true when I do... it means the world to me. I honestly didn't expect to make it this far with something like this, lol. But... it puts a smile on my face seeing you all being able to enjoy the game... and I do hope to be able to continue gaining your love and/or support now and in the future.

With that being said, I do have a bit of... bad news... I'm going to have to extend my break from development of the game for a little while longer... maybe a couple weeks or so, I don't honestly don't know yet. This doesn't mean that I won't work on it a little bit from time to time. It just means it won't be my main focus for the time being. I'm going through a pretty rough time right now, to the point where I just... need a little bit of help from the outside. Let's just say that... being an adult does indeed... reeeally suck. I won't get into too much details, but... it's just a lot going on in my head right now that I need to step away for a little while longer. Maybe it won't be for that long, who knows. But, it wouldn't sit right with me just disappearing without letting you guys know that I did.

I know some of you may be a little upset with the news, but I will strive to make it right in the future. I just need to... be able to get myself back on my feet again. If there's one bit of advice I can give you all (even if it's a little hypocritical), it's this...... don't let your stress or depression get to you. Whatever challenges you may be facing... don't let it consume you. There will always be challenges ahead of us, some more challenging than others. But when you close yourself off from the rest of the world... it becomes increasingly more impossible to recover from. I will never say that I'm perfect nor that I have no faults... (like a quadruple negative there) ... but I will always strive to better myself in any and all situations, learn from it... overcome those obstacles. We only have one life in this world, after all... we shouldn't let it be filled with uncertainties and fears...

I will close off with one additional thing... you guys are all heroes. I'm talking to you in the back, and Mike over there... and Sarah... lol. Much of what I said in the first paragraph pales in comparison to how much appreciation there is. I will always remember this, and will hope to strengthen myself and the future with you guys right there with me...... digitally of course, lmao. Almost like a second, third or so family, or something. And for my past, present, and possible future supporters...... I really can't thank you enough for everything. I promise to return stronger and better than before as quickly as possible.


13th Sin Games... aka... Jordan




Will you be suspending payments for the duration of your break? I've heard of other devs doing it so I'm curious


I'm not too sure yet... it's possible I might. But looking at things right now, the break may not actually be as long as I had feared. Regardless, I will do my best to keep you and everyone informed of any serious changes. With hope, I should be able to get back into the swing of things shortly after the weekend after Thanksgiving