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Good morning, afternoon, evening and so on!

I know a LOT of you all have been anticipating news and updates on the next release of the game... hell, maybe even the release itself.

First, I want to deeply apologize if it seems like things have gone quiet on various sites, including Patreon. Rest assured, I am very active on my Discord, and will try to be more active on the sites in providing more concrete news and such.

Secondly, as some of you may know, I've been serving in the military for 8 years Active-Duty now, but have recently switched to National Guard, which is much less time-constrained... as it's typically called the "Weekend Warriors". I will however am in the process of looking for a job. So in technical terms, not much will really change when it comes to work hours outside the game.

Now, for the update itself... I'm still working on it. I won't provide a concrete release date until I am in the Playtesting state, or Phase III. Currently still in Phase I, which is Rendering, and Phase II is Scripting. If some of you thought the last update was really big, well......... this one may take it, lol. Progress has been slow, I won't lie, and again I want to apologize for it taking a lot longer. However, this update will definitely feel much different as I've done a few things that many have been asking for, and that I hope all of you will enjoy.

I know a lot of you guys have been very patient with this upcoming release, but I don't want to disappoint any of you by not delivering sooner. As I mentioned above, there's no concrete release date; however... I'm really going to try to push for a mid-December release, or New-Year's release. Once I reach Phase III, I will definitely provide a more solid release date.

If you're curious as to what all the update may consist, I'll provide you some insight on what's to come for the most part. Again, I'll provide a much more detailed set of release notes when the update is officially out. For now... here's what you can anticipate:


The Main Menu isn't fully done, but it will look very similar to what is above. Planning on adding pictures that randomly change either by time or every time it's switch to another screen, i.e. going from the Main Menu to Options, then back to Main Menu. The Pause Menu will now appear as displayed above as well, also still wanting to add some random pictures that will appear.


This was something I know I've wanted to do for a while, but wasn't sure when a good time would be. It's a lot more simplified, and the buttons will glow once hovered. Still needing to fix a few things when an option isn't available, as to avoid any confusion. Some choice menus have been removed, as they felt meaningless, and a couple have been updated to where you can freely choose some options, mainly Rosalyn choices.


Yes, FINALLY! You can now see all the girls and how you are doing in terms of relationship statuses. However, that's not all that's been added to them... see below.


Each love interest will now display their status in terms of love towards them. Still needing to add notifications on if you do gain points and such. BUT, that's not all you can gain from them. When you first unlock the character, they will all have Descriptions about them and how the Main Character interacted with them. As you progress the story, their love, or both... you will be able to unlock Entries, and even Outfits! Whether if it's their normal clothes, bikinis... or... something more... incentive...... all of which is tied to either their love or story progression. I will try to add a clue or something to give you an idea of how to unlock them, which will most likely be tied to the Walkthrough Mode, whereas Story Mode will remain less transparent.

There are more things to come as time goes on, but for the moment I'm wanting to try to finish rendering and scripting in time to be able to polish anything before reaching Phase III. I will continue to do my best to deliver as much of a fun and enjoyable experience as possible to you all!

Thank you all for your continued support and love of the game!




I love the amount of effort u put into the making of the game and I think I speak for most of the people that support u and this game that we appreciate Ur hard work, and we understand the amount of time it takes, and we will be patiently waiting for this new release