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Wanted to say this after I got some sleep after waiting hours to upload the latest update today, lol...

Today marks an official one year since the game's initial release...  one whole year....... man, how time flies. I honestly can't think of words to describe just how thankful I am for all of you giving me a chance with this game. When I first released the game, I was very anxious of how everything would turn out... is the story good enough? Are the characters likeable or relatable enough? Would they like this or that? To this day still, those questions continue to bother me; it's a constant battle for some sort of consistency.

As that year came and went... it continues to give me joy to see how far we've come... not I... we... as much as I wanted to make this game for all of you, I wouldn't have gotten this far without you all. I'm hoping to keep you guys entertained and enjoy the story for what is has become so far. Speaking of which... there's a few little goodies that a certain kitsune decided to take control of, lmao... be sure to be on the lookout for those...

Once again, I can't thank you all enough for everything that has came to be with the game. I'm by no means the best storyteller, nor developer... we all start somewhere, and I'm just beyond thrilled to have gotten a chance. All I ask from you all... is to keep being awesome, and not to just me, but to every other developer that is starting out or that's been here for a long while... tell me how you feel about everything so far though... leave a like on the game,... a review on F95, Itch, or other related sites (negative or positive)... support me on Patreon or SubscribeStar... spread the love from here on to your friends, family, and so on... that is if they are into these sort of things, lmao...

I want to be able to hear from you all and continue to improve as best I can, because nothing is ever truly perfect.

Your humble developer,

13th Sin Games



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