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so... ea updated their rules on the cc uploading. your thoughts? 



I have no problem with early access. In my opinion, I am donating to my favorite creators to receive cc early. As long as the cc is free within 3 weeks, it’s not paywalled. I support some creators without early access-their stuff is always public- because I appreciate them and want them to keep creating.


Unfortunately I think that the leaking of personal info of paterons and that "whole thing" blew up and most of the creators who were in the wrong all had their cc completely behind paywalls without the public release after 3weeks. A lot of sims players felt unsafe downloading any cc so I think this is EA trying to reassure simmers safety and also creators reputations because so many creators had to defend themselves to their communities. 1 bad egg ruins a bunch.


I disagree with the decision on EAs stance that all creations and uploads now must be free from start. If it is the creators work from concept to mesh to texture to release, then believe they have every right to ask for payment whether it be 2 weeks prelease, longer or never free. It is their work and should be their choice. Do I think some really scalp those tiers sure, but nobody is forced to have mods/CC, it's all a choice.

mary brown

It's a pain in the arse. They release a broken game and then make it impossible for the people who actually fix this game and make it playable to actually make a living or be supported sufficiently. Its a lose for us all because if people can't be paid they're not going to make the content. At least before people who didn't want to pay eventually got it for free- now it just won't exist. So now we're just going to have less content. I was massively looking forward to people modding the new pack too, to make it actually playable. Lol its also embarrassing that zerbu made a better high school than EA like what, 5 years ago? Lol maybe EA are threatened by the fact that they realize simmers can just not pay them and pay creators and get so much more for their money. If I was a creator, I'd ignore it. I genuinely don't think you could enforce banning early access to creations you give away for free.


EA and people who perma paywall just pretty much killed off the sims. It's a sad situation because there are those who actually follow the rules and are now getting screwed out of extra income for the work they do.


You do whatever you think is best, just be careful. I don't want you to get in trouble. We all support you no matter what.


Creators deserve compensation for their hard work and skillset. I feel like a few bad eggs ruined it for everyone, and it sucks bc so many talented creators have lost a form of income. Times are hard enough as it is. I feel like The Sims / EA may not clarify their vague language regarding if early access is okay, but the way I see it, as long as the cc becomes free eventually I see no reason why creators can't have a "donation" tier for "testing purposes" before cc is released publicly *insert winky face*


I'm staying. I love your work and I love that I can, in a wee way, support you! <3


I don't mind donating to support creators I download from, and I don't see a problem with early access generally, but some creators have a very broad definition of "early", and abused that policy heavily while others just ignored it. This policy change is a direct result of the doxxing scandal with Cowbuild and others. I will continue to support creators I value (including you), but I do think that content should be made free for everyone. Some creators are going the 3D model route, and unfortunately those creators appear to be clearly associated with Cowbuild and others accused of doxxing, if their messages to their supporters are any indication.

mary brown

idk, although I prefer people to do the early access thing. I think people risking jeopardizing the whole cc community by mass reporting the few creators who do want to paywall their work, sort of have a lot to answer for. Do i think perm paywalling is the best thing to do? no. I am only a patreon of those who do early access but do I think its a bit of a grass / rat move to report them in droves because people cant have every single person they wants work for free? yeah I do. People can argue the morality of it but im sorry whos actually assed about protecting the Intellectual property and TOU of a billion dollar company that has been in trouble multiple times for selling gambling to kids. Idk just the idea all these creators have been risked by drawing attention to the situation at all, just because people want other peoples work for free and dont think its fair just seems so childish to me. I feel like a lot of people seemed to think the result would be people like sixam/felix would release all their old content for free if they reported them - but they might just remove it and stop selling it and it wont be available anymore. The idea people were mass reporting to awful EA, for breaking EAs rules is crazy to me. Like since when do we care about EAs rules? I wouldnt care if somebody stole from their warehouse and sold their stuff on ebay. An i dont believe these people talking about morality and Intellectual property really would either.


I don't mind staying, I am here to support creators like you who work hard day in and day out