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Things got fixed, unfortunately, the damage can't be erased and honestly, sometimes I question myself how can I continue doing my stuff while such cruel things are happening. That's a very problematic topic to think about for me if be honest.

Anyway, I can't express how grateful I am for your comments. Thank you very much for your understanding and support.

I'm not sure if I will be able to fill all the gaps with CC releases and I'm very sorry for that, but I can say that I will continue to post on daily basis at least. 



❤️ your way stronger than you think


take care of yourself. take time away and give yourself space if you need. we're rooting for you.


i just want to remind you that you don't owe any of us anything- your talent and creativity is an absolute gift, but you have an obligation only to yourself and what you feel you can do. i'm so sorry that you're living through such horrific circumstances and we're always here by your side for support


please never feel obligated to create content, you and your safety are way more important!!