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Hello everyone. To be honest, I'm doing really bad recently. Seeing what is happening to my country, to my compatriots has no words to describe it, it's hard for me to even believe that this is really happening. You can read the news, or you can ask me, I can tell you some things if you are interested. It all seems meaningless to me again, and it even seems like it's been going on forever and it's not going to stop. And it's been exactly a month.  There are also rumors that the Russians will try to get to Kyiv from Belarus, or the Belarus army will join them, and I'm living close to Belarus, so I'm worried.

I'm sorry it's the end of the month and I still haven't published anything, but I have items ready to go, so I'll try to get everything published as soon as possible. 

Thank you all very much. Stand with Ukraine. Slava Ukraini! 💙💛

P.S. I wrote this post with the translator, so sorry if some things are incorrect or weird. 



Don't worry about publishing anything. Your safety is the most important thing. Praying for you and your country. Hold strong and stay safe. 🙏🏽♥️🙏🏽


Do not worry about publishing! The most important this is your safety and taking care of yourself and your loved ones. We stand with you and we stand with Ukraine!!!


Please stay safe and don't worry about anything else!


Don't worry about publishing anything. You're living quite literally in a war zone - take care of yourself and your loved ones first and foremost. Speaking for myself, i'm going to continue supporting you regardless of whether you publish or not. It's a very small thing we (your patrons) can do to make sure you continue to have money to buy what you need.

Holly Golden

Please just focus on your own health and safety, that is all we want for you and your loved ones, and for Ukraine. 🇺🇦

Cierra Maria

Please do not worry about publishing any thing. Your safety and relative sanity is most important.


Don't worry about making cc. If you want to do it we appreciate it, but it really isn't important, especially compared to what is happening to you. I'm not paying for cc anymore, I just want to support you. Stay safe, I hope you're doing alright.


Thank you very much, Stephanie! It's a big help & credit to me 🥺I hope that you're doing safe :)


Thank you very much for your words. Actually, I would like to give you something at least, so I won't be taking your money for nothing 🥺 I'm very grateful to you for your support for me and Ukraine. I'm hoping that everything will be over soon and the many persons which are responsible for this nightmare & atrocity will get what they deserve, but this won't bring back all the lives that have been taken... Anyway, I hope that you're doing safe and thank you again!!