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Thank you everyone for your support! I really appreciate all of your words 💖

 I gave an update on my yesterday statement on Tumblr, but maybe some people don't use it so they didn't see it.

I'm still alive, there's big destruction in Ukrainian cities. I have friends from Kyiv and cities near it who told me about explosions and ruins there. Russia keeps destroying Ukraine & killing Ukrainians as it always did, looking in the history. I'm currently in the safe space (if I can call it like that like all Ukraine is unsafe now), but I don't sure it's for long. Today there's were some explosions near my area, but they didn't get us, There's a rumor that they will attack our area at the night. I will try to write an update then.

I thought we will lose Internet connection yesterday, so I didn't know will I ever be able to write something there and I'm not sure about the future, so my good friend hopefully will give you information about me if I disappear. All the banks here stopped working, so I have almost no money. I really don't know how to exactly write this message and express everything I want to, so sorry if I wrote something wrong. Thank you! Stay safe

In the photo, it's me with my cat when I was moving to the shelter today when we heard explosions around us.




I will keep wishing for your safety!! 🇺🇦🇺🇦


I’ll be thinking of you. I hope you stay safe.


I am with you in heart. I pray for you and all of Ukraine. Please check in anytime you can. 💗💗


мне так жаль, что эгоистичный старый маразматик из правительства моей страны причиняет так много вреда жизни и здоровью невинных людей своими приказами((( будь осторожен и береги себя! (и свою кошку, она милая)))

Constance Guin

oh my God, I had no idea you were Ukrainian! I genuinely hope things will get better and as a French, I am really sorry we failed to reason with P*tin. I guess this psychopath cannot be reasoned with... I am far from Ukraine (middle of France) but my door will be open if needed for sure. Please please please make sure to stay safe, you, your family, and your friends, as much as possible!


stay safe, i had no idea that you were Ukrainian! I'm wishing everyone, you and your family/friends as much safety as possible.


Thinking of you and your people and wishing you safety and peace!


Praying for your and all the people of Ukraine's safety and peace! ♥️🙏🏽


Thinking of you 🙏🙏


I'm truly hoping and praying for your safety as well as the safety of the Ukranian people! Thank you for keeping us updated.


Stay safe.


stay safe, my friend

Holly Golden

oh my goodness, please stay safe! sending you love.


Stay safe. Your cat looks ready to stand up for you.


Praying for you all. I’m so relieved you and your cat are safe 💚


stay safe <3


Is he okay? He hasn't posted anything in three days. I hope he's safe and well. :'(


Hi! I'm okay! I'm active on Tumblr/Twitter bc not sure about spamming Patrons dash with non-sims stuff. Thank you for checking <3


Hi, wishing you safety and positive energy! I brought the rosebud tier to support you... Hope you're well in this awful time


I'm genuinely praying for your safety, country, and family :`(


I just did a custom pledge.....I hope you can find some way to access your money. Please keep posting occassionly so we know you are ok.


Praying for the safety of you and your family, as well as the people of Ukraine❤️


wish u all the best


Lord, I apologize for my country and what it does. I want us all to hang out <3 And live for now, otherwise we won't be able to survive without the perfect creator