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Hey there!!! Sorry for the day late upload, I completely blanked on whether November has 30 days or 31 while fighting off a cold (and grinding the new pokemon game, totally my bad there). I hope this really fun piece makes up for it! For this piece I tried to focus on value while painting it. In this case, that meant painting it first in grayscale then adding color after the fact. From what I've read, it helps your groups of colors stand out more to first establish how areas of light and dark work first and then use that as a basis for color choices. I am not an expert so I might have misinterpreted it a bit but what I know for sure is that I am super pleased with the result! I'll definitely add it to my repertoire of painting techniques, though for the moment i have some digital watercolor practice to do. Hopefully you'll see more stuff like that in December C: Also I love drawing Isabelle so much I had to fit her in there somehow, I think we were able to come to a very pleasant (and soft) compromise!!



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