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Given the current state of AI, I have decided to integrate it into my workflow after experimenting with Stable Diffusion for character design and drawing in the last month (before I only used it for background/environment). While I understand that there may be some backlash, I feel that SD is too valuable a tool for me to pass up. 

My goal is not to become the greatest artist but to create good work only. Developing a game is already a challenging process, and I don't want to handicap myself. With the release of Adobe Firefly, Microsoft Copilot X, and Chat GPT, I believe that using AI for professional work is inevitable. 

The first image I have produced using SD is this one. My workflow involves sketching and applying basic cel-shading for the pose, figure's proportions, composition, and color theme. Then, I let the AI rendering take over. Finally, I use Photoshop for photo manipulation and paint over the image to enhance the details and improve accuracy in the design. It's like 50/50 with the AI help. 

I hope you'd understand my decision, thank you so much.




I think it’s a good idea AI is the future and it okay to use them to help you with your goals


Can you a process video? Or a gif showing step by step. Just wondering how everything is put together and it'll make it easier to understand. Good luck!


Sure, I think I'll make some youtube video of it if someone's interested.


I think it'll explain things better for those that are very against using AI assistance. 🤣


Not really, the closest you can get to a video is what Corridor Digital did on youtube, an "anime" called ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS. But they did record the whole thing themselves so the AI part is kinda just an overlay. There is also a behind the scenes video of it if you're interested


Yeah, I just watched it. I also just watched the reaction video from a Disney animator. It's nice. And I still think it's good to show how useful and more efficient it is in creating something. Cause I also know a bunch that are not aware of the whole SD or AI in depth and some thinks very poorly of it. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I mean there are many composite artists, SD prompters, etc. on DA that basically just use models from someone else and fix bits and parts from the AI generated art and put a pay wall behind it.


Hy i am a boudoir photographer please support me on patreon for view my exclusive uncensored collection https://www.patreon.com/cheetraview


While I understand it will help your workflow, looking at this image, I can immediately tell it’s more AI than Azto.


I'm not an artist so I appreciate all the great artwork you put out over the years. You do find time to put single uncensored high resolution images in your Patreon, and that's what I want. For that reason I prefer to let you decide what's best in making your art and wish you the best.


I think it is OK to do as long as the art is more Azto than AI


I've been supporting your Patreon for about 3 years now. It's extremely obvious that you did not draw the image posted. It doesn't look like *your* work. If this is the route you want to take, I think this will be the last month I can support you, or your projects. Please reconsider.


Don't be a salty sandra about it, it's not like Azto is heavily relying on AI, it's a 50/50 type of deal, AI can be helpful with human supervision.


AI might be "helpful" with human supervision but the state of generative AI with images in particular is entirely unethical. Stable Diffusion in general (and NovelAI in particular) were trained on image sets that include scrapes of Gelbooru and Danbooru, and almost certainly contain some of aztodio's work in the training set. They also contain innumerable other artists work that were harvested without their knowledge or consent. So given that, I'd rather take my money elsewhere. I'm also genuinely curious what a 50/50 split is supposed to mean when the end product is just clearly not his work.


this artwork looks like every other AI post I see spammed on Twitter


That's sad to hear because soon enough, if everyone uses it as 'just a tool', it will stop to matter if your work is 'good' or not, or if you made it at all.


I have to agree with the other comments. While I understand that from an industry standpoint it makes a lot of sense, but for Patreon, where we come to support you specifically, we are here for your style. If you go the AI route, I don't really have a reason to support you anymore. That being said, I hope your use of AI lets you continue your career and push you forward towards your own goals.

Ferc Polo

I fully disagree. Your argument is the same as saying airbrushes destroy the art of painting. Or that splatter art is going to ruin other art because it's easier. Or that using an Easel is for weak artists. Or that using a wet palette is cheating. Or any other lament that Tools will ruin Art. If the art is well executed and beautiful it will always capture interest. Art generates FEELINGS. What does an AI know about this? How can an AI do anything but replicate? Why would creatives be afraid of copies? Copies have existed forever. Artists have always taken inspiration from others.

Ferc Polo

Use whatever tools fit your interest and workflow. You are the artist, you know what you want to see come to life. I am not dumb enough to think AI is any replacement for human brains in a creative sense. Generation based on instruction is not Art. I'm saddened by how many people in these comments have been damaged by IP protection propaganda to be so defensive about generative AI tools. There's a poem from 2003 about a Paintbrush Robot that cannot do anything but copy. Then one day it draws something new, something that makes people feel...and they destroy it thinking it was broken. This reminds me of that energy.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not against things that speed up workflow. What I'm saying is it's actually more than a tool. And here it's being overused. You can notice others say it's not looking like AztoDio's work, it's not what they followed them for in the first place. It ruins the "feeling". Sacrificing uniqueness for speed. And making AI pretty pictures just like these is now available to everyone after minimal time investment into learning how it works. Why would I follow a particular artist if it looks just the same as millions of others' AI creations?