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FINALLY, Schmitty is here!!  At last!!!  The man himself!!!




New male fav character XD👌


I hope that when Tammy finally gains her powers, we learn this from her accidentally summoning a fireball that burns all those bitches' clothing off and leaving them naked in a heavily crowded public area while she's standing up for Penny.




We see the explanation for why Penny can fly around on a broomstick and no one seems to notice! 'Wow, the ravens are really big this year'


So, Percy Jackson rules for magic. Gotcha :D

Silver Sheilds

So that's how the Veil works. So it's not that they can't see the magic, they just form something else in their minds that rationalizes everything? Explains why Penny's able to go about her day in her birthday suit and not suffer any consequences.


Now I'm curious how the collar will work. We already know Penny won't face significant consequences for public nudity once she's wearing the collar. But this page raises an interesting possibility: magic users will perceive Penny as normal; only "mundanes" will rationalize away her nudity. That would be an interesting wrinkle.


It's gonna be REALLY fun demonstrating exactly how it works, and we can't wait to reach those scenes X)

Alarm Frog

I will steal Schmitty and care for him forever. I cannot be stopped.


How many more pages until that ^^


Schmitty is so cute though. poor fellah. I hope those nasty witches are taught a lesson eventually!


Pics, footage, streams, shares, likes, comments, hashtags, news, radio, live TV?


Penny's bullies only want to hangout with her because they now she that shes know one of the most beautiful girls in school like them and to get more popular with her in their gang, only difference Penny and these three is that they aren't nice /=

Silver Sheilds

That's interesting. So 'mundanes' as they put it, can only pierce the veil if they have a history of magic use in their families. I'm guessing the veil has a history behind it. If I were to hazard a guess, it's that long ago the 'mundanes' and magic users were at odds with each other, perhaps to the point of war, so the Veil was created in order to protect them from persecution.


No smoking, perfect advice!.

Silver Sheilds

Is it also true that if someone tries to tamper with the lock, they get collared themselves?


We'll get into the history at some point, but we don't wanna infodump on people X)


@Sky We still got a little bit to go but don't worry it's gonna be worth the wait


Things we learned this page: * The "veil" makes "mundane" (non-magical) onlookers unable to comprehend magic, creating excuses as to what they saw and forgetting that it was unusual. * Alexa thinks Tammy is a Mundane, and thus she will eventually make excuses and forget about magic.


Need some schmitty and alexa action hehe lol


IDK TBH just kinda like him all scruffy and her all put together lol


Aww. Schmitty looks so hapless and kind here. But we know what lies beneath. A heinous monster that has banned many a youth from the premises. He got lucky -- this time. Love the poses. That air of confidence and arrogance Megan gives off is spot on. Way to also show how feeble Penny's regard is. Not that we've been seeing it for the past few pages, but to see her ears down like that was a nice touch. Good used of them. Thanks!