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Oh no, Penny, not the face!!  Nobody can resist the face!!!

EDIT: Fixed an oopsie.  You didn't see anything



Andrea Andrew

So, they’re college students now? Just wanting to clarify how old our characters are.


The whole point of Naked Penny is we see everything, though!


Yeah, we decided it would probably just be a bit less...uncomfortable if we shifted the timeline forward a bit. Having them all be 18 year old high school seniors was still treading a fine line, and a lot of people gave us some very compelling reasons why it would work better as a college story. Fortunately, we're still early enough that we can make changes like that, and we don't have to do anything with the dream sequence because it was, well, a dream Also fortunately, a potentially four year arc gives us a bit more breathing room than a one year arc would X)


Things we've learned this page: * Penny was not part of the in group until she gained her powers. * The in group liked to torment Tammy and Penny during high school. * Penny gained her powers recently. * Tammy knows about Penny's powers. * (I don't think we know what powers specifically.)


"Relatively" recently. And the powers are just her general sorcery and witchery and whatnot X)



Max Kinne

Something tells be her Witch buddies are still not gonna be nice to our bunny girl


How could you say no to a face like that?


Over a year and a half of 'Clothed Penny' I swear this has more filler than Naruto. Lmao


Dunno, seems sus

Katrice Metaluna

These things need time to develop! You can't just BAMPF right into someone being cursed and naked with no explanation! Uhm...


Perhaps they're more like, as my sister used to say, "rhymes with witches"