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So a lot of people have asked, understandably, why it's taken us so long to get back to the comic and why we haven't made a lot of news updates about that.  The latter is really on me (Stoker) more than anything else.  I hate making posts telling people that there's no news to report, but I really should have done something like that anyway, since the radio silence has been deafening.  BUT as all Patrons can see, the new page is all sketched out and in the process of being inked, and you'll all be able to see it soon.

As for the WHYS of everything, folks, I don't want to divulge too much personal information, but just about everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong for the creative team over the past few months.  Weather problems, health problems, pet problems, technical problems, personal problems, even *death* contributed to this long, unplanned hiatus.  Despite all that I feel like the responsibility is mine, personally.  Had I managed things a bit better and had more of a backlog/buffer, this would not have happened.  I believe I've learned from my mistakes and, hopefully, this comic will be returning to its regular schedule as planned.

I want to thank everyone who stuck it out with us and didn't lose the faith no matter what.  You guys are our MVPs.  And for those who left, regardless of the reason, I understand and still appreciate your support while you were able to give it.

Thanks, Fenfam <3


Eddie SanHusky

Proud to be a part of the fam, and you've provided more than enough in the past to.desrrve a little patience! Sed to your life first, a bit of a wait leading to a happy, healthy artist that can feed our perversions for years to come is far preferable to a few feeble attempts leading to burnout and departure


We totally understand. But personal life is way more important than a NSFW comic. Stay safe.


We're doing our best! Thank you so much for your concern and your patience


*looks at her comic, stalled out for pretty much all of 2020* *looks at 2020* i mean just that ALONE is enough to explain grinding to a halt even WITHOUT anything else, geez


Yeah, I and basically everyone I know has had a rough couple of months - I totally feel you. It's good to hear from you!




You know the amazing thing is how much we actually got *done* in 2020. Until November we were rolling pretty well


Yeah it's been a lot for everyone. Really hope we all catch a break at some point


Effects of 2020 still lingering for a lot of us. Regards to the whole team trying to make this comic happen!


So you said you were working on something special to make up for these months of nothingness. Any update or hints on that?


Thank you for the update. No worries though. You can't anticipate black swan events like that. Stuff happens that is out of our control all the time. It's life. I'm glad you all are recovering and overcoming the difficulties life has put you in. It's a good sign that you all are still together, still persevering and friends with each other. Many other teams, professional teams, haven't been able to weather what you have. Keep going and do your thing. *Naked Penny Hugs.*


You are entirely too kind to us, and it means an awful lot to the whole team


You're welcome. What you're doing means a lot to me as well.