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Just thought I'd give everyone a quick update, since activity has been so sparse here lately.

As you've all no doubt noticed, it's been a while since we've had an update.  Rest assured the comic is not dead and we are going to resume production as soon as possible.  Without going into too many details, there has been an awful lot going on in the personal life of our artist, Jonas, including a recent tragedy which some of you might have read about on Twitter.  We are also gearing up for a major change in how our comics are produced, as we're shifting from relying purely on Jonas doing all the visual heavy lifting and moving into more of a team-based approach, which should hopefully make things easier for us all while increasing the speed of production

Our new art team members will not be joining us until later this month, though, so we're trying to arrange some additional guest art and filler for the interim.  We appreciate your patience as we work to get the ball rolling on all of this during this rather challenging time

Thank you!




Bryant Holmes

Honestly much love to the whole team. I originally joined this patreon for a variety of reasons. I like Jonas, I like Stoker, I thought your collaborations were always hilarious, charming, or incredibly sexy (or some combination of two or more). I wanted to support you and also I really enjoyed the initial somewhat far more risqué nature of who/what Penny and friends were. However since joining the story has grown in scope and complexity in such a phenomenal way over the so far rather short run. From fun jokes to family dynamics. There's such a strong feeling of just falling into 'the story in progress'. I'm sorry to have heard about what happened to you Jonas, I wish I was in a position, as I am used to, to be able to give more than just my patronage for support. Please take the time you need, write the pages you need, find your center when you need. You're a pair (and more!) of wonderful creative minds but also good people and you're why I know I'm here and I am willing to bet I'm in a firm majority. I will end this with a content appropriate sex joke, since this was a really long heavy comment; "I suspect the majority is quite firm thanks to Penny". (Sorry about deleting and redoing it, I really suck at this interface)


Out of curiosity are you planning some big or special to make up for the recent inactivty since your patreons are still paying monthly and getting nothing in return. I totally understand why the comic is stalled 2020 sucked hard and then the tragedy with Jonas I feel for you guys and I hope things get better for you soon. I was just curious if you planned to address this in someway. I'll still be your patreon and give you all my money regardless.

Caytlin Vilbrandt

Take all the time you need, guys! I'll still be here supporting 100%. ( 'u')-b


There is actually a rather big, fun thing that we have planned that is still in the early stages. Not sure when it will be ready, but I think people will enjoy it!


I wish I could like this comment more than once ahahaha. Your words are deeply appreciated, believe me. We (Jonas and I, this is Stoker speaking) have a long history of coming up with very strange, fun, sexy and out there ideas together. I'm surprised this is the first time we've ever collaborated on something like this but I'm glad it seems to be doing what I hoped it would for people HEH. Yeah I'm sure everyone is proudly standing...by her X) And no need to apologize for the comment deleting/reposting. The Patreon interface does leave a bit to be desired


I know loss takes a toll on someone not just mentally but also physically we will wait for as long as you need we will not go anywhere we will continue to support you and the comic no matter what


Good luck and all the best. Thank you for keeping us informed!

