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Phew, 2020, what a year...  We kinda fell behind a bit towards the end of this wild ride due to a lot of stuff happening in real life that we don't wanna bring any of you down with, but here's to 2021 being a better time for us, for the comic, and for all of you as well.

And speaking of the comic and Patreon, we've got some changes to announce, including a limited time offer!

The first change you'll notice is to the tiers.  We have changed the $1 pledge level to be a tip jar and made the new minimum pledge for early access to comics $2.  Why have we done this?  Are we grubbing for your money?  Not at all!  We realized a few months ago that, given the nature of the fee and tax structure of Patreon, we were making less than half of the total pledge amount from the $1 tier.  Not only that, but as we've been expanding the art team (more on that later), we've realized that we just need a little bit more of a boost to keep things going.  Besides, the $1 tier was already called "just the tip" and this makes a bit more sense anyway.  Nothing has changed about the $5 and up tiers other than their names, so if you're already pledged to one of those, you don't need to worry about a thing!

To ease into this new transition, we're going to continue to post early access comics for our $1 pledges for the rest of this month.  But starting from February onwards, those will become exclusive for $2 and up.  We hope you understand.  

And yes, you read correctly up there!  We are expanding the art team!  Jonas will finish out Chapter One more or less as we've been doing it, but starting from Chapter Two there will be more hands working on this project.  Most of our helpers prefer just to be credited as anonymous members of Team Penny, but rest assured, they are some top-notch talent and this will enable us to meet (and hopefully exceed) our expected deadlines with much greater ease than when it was just the two of us.  This is a big chunk of where the extra money from the $2 bump will be going, so thank you again for your understanding on that!

And last but not least, we have a SPECIAL DEAL going on!  For this month only, we have activated annual subscriptions!  What does that mean?  It means you can pre-pay your pledge for the entire year upfront, right now, and not have to worry about it for the rest of 2021.  If you are willing and/or able to, you'll get a 16% discount, which is almost like getting two full months free.  Of course if you'd rather stick to the monthly pledges, that's cool by us!  And if you miss out on the opportunity this time, I'm sure we'll bring it back again at some point.  Maybe in May, that would be appropriate...

As for the new pages themselves, rest assured, they're being worked on!  As is the script.  Stoker has begun to think that maybe those of you who think it's a bit slow to get to the point might be onto something, so he's started doing some trimming and reworking to get to the good parts a little bit more quickly.  We think you'll enjoy what he has in store for our poor fennec ;)

That should be about all of it for now!  Thank you, all of you, once again for sticking with us.  This is a big project, bigger than anything the two of us have ever tackled before, and we're thrilled to have you all along for the ride with us.  We couldn't have done any of this without your help.

Happy 2021, fenfam!

-- Stoker and Jonas




Bryant Holmes

For my $0.02 I don't think things a -really- slow to get started, as much fun as it is to joke. The writing has a very good feel to it. More updates would be great but it's actually pretty fun and immersive.


Its very fun id give my left arm (not the right cuz im right handed) to read more of the comic keep em coming at your own pace bro

Max Kinne

I think the writing is great! But I'd understand if you want to re-examine it. I just hope you both do what you want to do!


Well I'm glad you're enjoying it! Admittedly part of the issue was me looking over how much script is LEFT in Chapter One and going "oh dear God are we gonna get to the collar this YEAR at this rate?" XD


Thank you!! I mean it's been fun to do deeper looks at the characters, I just also know that, you know, what people came for was nudity lol


Looking forward to your guys' work! Is there any chance we expect weekly updates on the comic to start up again soon?