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The short version is: we're working on it and will have it out the door as soon as possible.

The longer version is, well, longer.

So this is the first time that I can remember since we've started this project that we've missed a #fensday update!  We try very hard not to do that since we want to be professionals about this and we want all of our fans and patrons to feel like they're getting our utmost efforts.  But, sometimes, these things are unavoidable.  

As you all doubtlessly know, there are fires raging all OVER the West Coast of the United States at the moment.  All three Pacific states are being affected by the smoke and the heat and the blaze and that includes the residence of our humble raccoon artist, Jonas.  Though he's not in any serious danger, the air quality in his locale is abhorrent and it's taking more effort than usual to hack through his to-do list.  In addition, our writer bat has been dealing with his OWN problems behind the scenes, including some unexpected (and expensive) home maintenance alongside the usual issues one faces in this...shall we say, challenging year.

We are working on a number of different things to speed up the process of making these comics so that we can have a healthy buffer and hopefully not miss updates in the future.  For one thing, we have taken on some assistance in the thumbnail/layout department from a good friend of ours as well as getting some additional help with some of the backgrounds from another of our friends.  And more amazingly than that, Stoker has actually decided to step outside of his comfort zone and take on some of the art duties himself!  Only the flat colors, mind, he's not crazy enough to think he's up to the task of sketching any of these shenanigans.  But it's still brand new territory for him and the learning curve is steep.

We sincerely hope all of you understand and, we hope, you're not upset and feel like you're not getting your money's worth.  We've been considering shaking up the tiers a bit to make things feel a little bit more fair to you and to us as well.  Perhaps revamping the $1 as a tip jar and (once we're back on schedule) putting a $2 tier in as the one-week preview level.  All of these decisions are still up in the air, of course, and we'd love to hear your feedback on them.

The pinups are still in the works as well as FENNEC FUNNIEZ guest strips from several, and I do mean SEVERAL, different artists.  But right now we just need a little extra time to get it all out the door.

Thank you for your support and understanding, guys.  We really appreciate it!



Take your time and stay safe!

Max Kinne

No worries, take all the time you need!

Eddie SanHusky

Support and understanding, hell! I want the...wait, I pulled that gag before, didn't I? Take care of yourself and make sure we can have comics for years to come!


This is a very nice update, I too am affected by this west coast situation but it should clear up some time now. Since you mentioned help, is there any way we (the loyal fenfam) can contribute to something? or is supporting Patreon the best way? But any case you guys are doing great, thanks for the latest update.


no worries^^ please stay safe and healthy!


As someone who is cooking in his home b/c it's 90+ degrees with wildfire smoke outside, I sympathize. Take your time and stay safe!


It's pretty smokey where I am too. Please don't stress yourselves too much over the comic too much because your well-being is more important. Please stay safe and have a great night. But of course I can't wait to see what you have in store for Penny. :^)


While I understand life’s unexpected happenings, I do not pretend to understand what everyone is feeling out West. My only pray is for everyone’s safety and health. Take your time, be safe. Thank you for the update.


Hang in there Jonas, fellow raccoon!


Honestly right now your support here is the best thing we could ask for atm. And I hope you also stay safe out there!!


I'm sorry you're being affected by this mess too, but thank you for your understanding x.x


Thank you for understanding, for the prayers and well wishes, and supporting our comic!


Jonas has responded with raccoon noises that I'm not entirely sure how to translate. Then he raided my fridge

pj wolf

Jesus christ take care of yourselves, holy shit.

DavidN Rabbit

I'm glad to support you in your efforts to produce a charming comic, no matter how late it is :) Keep taking care of yourselves!


Good luck with the changes, the life issues, and keeping everything together. You've got this!