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First of all, a HUGE thank you to everyone who's been supporting us!!  You just enabled us to smash through our $1k goal, which involves monthly request vouchers for $25+ patrons!  The details of how that works will be forthcoming, but hopefully you'll like it!

Our next goal is for $1,500.  Originally, we had said that when we hit that goal, we'll start producing merchandise.  But you know, we actually thought that we could do something better than that.  So our NEW goal for $1500: once we hit that, we're going to start updating TWICE a week with new comic pages instead of just one!  Which is actually pretty good news because at the rate we're currently going we might not make it to the end of Chapter One before Christmas >_>

So if you wanna see more Penny pages more quickly, spread the word!  Tell your friends!  Tell your enemies!  Go door to door and bug people!  (Don't actually do that last part, especially if you're not wearing a mask.)

But all silliness aside we just really want to thank all of you so much.  We could not be making this comic without your help.  You're all great <3


Bryant Holmes

Merchandise? Like 'cosplay' penny collars? I'm on to you guys... this is all a trick to nekkidify folks...


well, that’s good news, I would definitely want more pages than merch. Plus I assume It might take a while to find a manufacturer to create these stuff, like their quality and if they do NSFW orders.


We're also reluctant to try to sell stuff via the mail during such turbulent sociopolitical economic times


Pretty soon, you'll be making enough money to start making these collars yourselves.


I love this comic and I want to see it very successful. Thank you for making it. &lt;3