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 Hey, a girl has the right to appreciate when her look is good, right?  X) 




Need me more butt wiggling Penny in my life

Alarm Frog

I wonder what sort of occasion brings that fine china down from the shelf? Likewise the crystal ball


I agree with Penny. Sibling teasing is one thing but pancakes are the sacred safe zone!


I have no doubt we'll see some scrying action happen before this story is over


She better be careful or she'll get her license to wiggle revoked


Looking hot!

Isinia Mosienko

Penny Fenmore, the obvious point of the story. XD

levin hardin

So when is this intermission over so we can get back to the Naked Penny?


I like this! I hope we get to see plenty of the goings on in Penny's clothed life before The Collaring. The buildup will make it way more rewarding in the end!


Glad to know you appreciate a slow burn! We've definitely got a fair amount of building up and establishing to do before we truly reach the Big Uh Oh moment


This isn't really an "intermission" so much as it is a "story." This is the origin story of Penny acquiring the collar which makes her "Naked Penny." As such, we have to establish what her normal life is like before that moment happens. We have a LOT to establish because this is a full comic with potentially years' worth of material ahead. She will be spending plenty of time naked once everything is properly in place for her to do so


It's kind of weird to see her in clothes. It's almost like nudity and clothes switched places in terms of eroticism. Oh yeah! Get dressed just like that, Penny. So dirty...


It's funny because I don't think we'd EVER drawn her in clothes before beginning the comic project. But it's kinda necessary, you know?


I have a feeling that the next family breakfast is going to be an awkward one


Things we've learned with this page: * Penny is still on good terms with Tiffany * Dad is oblivious. * Mom "doesn't miss a thing." * Chuck is a bro. * Penny is plucky. * Another hint at witchery: The broom up top, as well as the crystal ball that may be a snowglobe.


And because I've not seen it. Pages since Penny was naked: 1


Looking forward to seeing this switch over to "pages since Penny was clothed"


Nice job. As mentioned earlier, lot of set up and scene building here. Excellent job. I like the sign and character intros. Good timing. Love the shading is the same as it was in the dream. This kind of feels like the "expression meme." I like the transition. Like the calm before the storm. Keep on the awesome ride. You've more than got this.


Is that a LaVeyan pentagram on her bag? I haven't noticed that until now.


The clothed calm before the naked storm. X) Thank you as always for your kind and thoughtful commentary. I'm really happy that you've been enjoying the story so far!


It's a cutesy little Baphomet head in a pentagram yeah! (Which actually predates LaVey and believe it or not his version is copyrighted??) We like slipping in little subtle witchy things wherever we can. Won't be too long before it's considerably less subtle...