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 Isn't Penny adorable when she's pouting?  Fresh #fensday update hot off the presses!  Both patrons AND the public are getting this one at the same time while we play catch up due to last week's delays.  The next page will be live on Patreon sometime later today, so stay tuned! 




“Why do all of them have to hear so well” Because they are fennec fox?..


Cute how she thinks she is gonna wear clothes :p

levin hardin

Was being to think we weren't getting page 12


OMG! This is awesome. Way to convey those nagging thoughts that just seem to last and last. That's what journaling is for too! Just imagine if she continued that thought out in writing right under the part about how being caught naked. . . well, you know. ^_^ The shading and coloring is spot on as always. So smooth and soft! Great job on the closet to. Love all the different designs and patterns. So many references too! Just wow! Great writing as always. Good way to end the page. Let me tell you from experience and a productivity standpoint, it is so nice to not have "clothing fatigue" anymore. Reducing a closet to only that you like really saves a lot in time and energy when choosing what to wear. Kudos to Penny for having an organized closet. That's so rare! Good luck on all the stuff you've got going on!

Vicki M.

Now she just needs to actually interrupt him, -especially- right after interrupting her. I bet that'd go fun places :D


Answer: nothing!


What we might have learned this page: * Penny has her own bathroom upstairs? * Chuck is home from college but will be going back... someday. After break? Next year? Unknown as of this time. * Everyone in her family can hear really well. * Penny is hesitant to use her toy. * Penny has a walk in closet with a ton of clothes + shoes. * Penny has a witches' hat, the first in universe hint that she is a witch.