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I've been meaning to update about this for a while, but haven't really been too sure what to say except that apparently, here in the United States, Patreon is going to begin collecting sales taxes on your pledges depending on the state in which you live.

How much that tax will be and how this all works is a bit beyond my ken, and unfortunately we're not allowed to adjust the pledge tiers so that we can absorb the hit instead of you. I don't expect it to be TOO bad, but if anyone needs to adjust their pledges, they're more than welcome to.

If I understand correctly, your pledges for May should be unaffected; the new policy goes into affect on the 1st and should only affect June. If I'm mistaken, please someone let me know!

Thank you all for supporting us, and I hope you're looking forward to all the sexy, silly shenanigans we have ahead!



It's all good, stay naked!


Weren’t our subscriptions on Patreon donations? I always thought that I was “donating” money to all the artists I favored.

Vicki M.

I think the absorption thing is about listing the price with sales tax included, and there's nothing in the law to stop someone from dropping their tier prices a few percent to compensate.

levin hardin

Aww when I got a email form Naked Penny I was like 'Yay more art!' but then I saw it was about taxes....


This is a possibility I suppose but it would still end up with some tax on top, because I'm pretty sure patreon only allows us to set tiers in full dollar amounts and the taxes would definitely have some change left over


I believe if you change the wording of the tiers you can minimize or avoid the sales tax altogether but I'm not completely sure.


I don't believe there's any avoiding it, based on what I've read. And I'm not sure how I can word these to reduce it any further. There's no jokes in these tiers, just pretty straightforward summaries of what we give out


Hate that this is being done, but I'm not going anywhere. Thank you for the update.


hopefully, you guys don't lose supporters. You're almost to the $1K goal.

Isinia Mosienko

It was good while it lasted but I guess some fun has to end. Don't worry, I ain't going anywhere. Still supporting! ^^


Hmm... Weird. I was warned about a tax of 20% (I'm from Russia), but I was written off the amount without tax. Perhaps again the strange laws of the Russian Federation. Oh, I forgot, hello to everyone)

Dusty Tomes

And for the record the VAT for us UK folks hasn't changed at all either. (as far as I can see anyhow.)


Yeah I have NO idea how this affects international patrons. Welcome aboard btw! Glad to have you!


That's good to know. Sheesh, why does everything have to be so complicated e.e