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Oh thank goodness all THAT is over with, guess we can all go home, Penny made it safe and sound and surely there are no more misadventures in store for her




Lol that 4th panel XD


It was actually the hardest one to write. Had a really difficult time narrowing down the list until I decided "fuck it, use them ALL"


Congratulations on another page! This is already turning into something epic. Way to bring a story like this to life! You all rock. From the writing to the art. It's all top notch and wonderful. I agree with Kadath on the fourth panel, but the whole thing has so many hidden references and jokes. It's amazing. And the lighting on this one. Keeping it consistent from hallway to sunlight. Very well done. Panel layouts, dialogue boxes, etc. Very cool. And the ears too! Expressive Thank you for making such a wonderful comic and sharing it with the world.


Well thank YOU for all your kind words!! I'm just glad that everyone seems to be enjoying it as much as we are. It's a little bit of a niche concept, but we're glad it's finding its audience X)


This is honestly hilarious. Love it!


That's what we're aiming for! Humor and hotness...with HEART! We're happy you're enjoying it <3


What's off to her right? I bet it's either her parents have company visiting in the living room, or else her parents are naked having sex in the living room not expecting anyone to come home yet. It boils down to which would be more embarrassing.


I would love to meet this "Ked" person. I wonder if she's a friend on Na?