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There you go. This is what you all came here for X)




I don't see a collar ;)


Awesome! I love it! That expression. Great use of the logo too! This came out amazing! So many characters! My hat's off to Jonas and his poor hand! Thank you for going the distance with this! So awesome! Love the shading and coloring. Just suburb! Can't say I've been naked in class, but I've taught a class on nudism and been naked in front of a crowd plenty of times. Thank you again! You all rock!


Stoker stole the idea for the logo thing from what the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comics used to do. Every time, at the beginning of an issue, the first time a character would address or mention Sonic, they'd put the full logo in a word balloon. He always found that amusing so he stole it X)

Max Kinne

thats a LOT OF CHARACTERS TO DRAW kudos to you for your patience. I start to lose patience after like 3 of em


Stoker apologized endlessly, ENDLESSLY for doing this to Jonas. The death glares were wilting T_T

Dusty Tomes

Please tell me that Clueless Mole will become a recurring joke! XD


This has so been worth the wait... Though I'm positive this is a dream without the collar yet :P


The work you put onto this page is mindblowing. So many characters and background elements @_@


We pour our hearts and souls into these pages! And by "we" I mean "Jonas" because he is the true MVP of this team


Hey when the first issue to this is fished will it be available for physical sale? Maybe do a convention tour?