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Today marks a very special day here at Naked Penny. It was one year ago that we began this Patreon, hoping to get enough income going to help us focus on making the comic story that we wanted to tell. It took us longer than we anticipated to get the actual comic going and we had some setbacks (including certain current, global events which shall go unnamed). We've learned a LOT on the way, and we're very happy with where we currently are. And that's all because of you.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us over the last year, whether you're currently pledging or not. Thank you for your patience, your enthusiasm, and your willingness to give a couple of wacky guys who have NO IDEA what they're doing a shot at making this silly, sexy character into something more.

We've got exciting stuff ahead. More comic pages (hopefully every week). More pinups (including a sequel to our very first one). And some restructuring on how this Patreon works.

It's on that last note that I have a question for everyone. And I do mean EVERYONE. This post is public for a reason! If you are a current backer, previous backer, or someone who's just been THINKING about backing:

Would you prefer if we switched our format over to charging per-month instead of per-upload?

We've just recently hit our first goal, and I said that when we did that, that we would switch to the per-month model. I'm willing to stand by that if it's what the fans want. We have often felt some concern that some people found the per-upload scheme off-putting. Our original rationale for doing so was that we weren't confident that we could produce enough material every month, not wanting to charge the same price for a month where we had ten uploads vs. a month where we had but one. But I think that's no longer as much of a worry as it used to be. I think, in fact, we've found our stride.

So here's the Strawpoll: https://www.strawpoll.me/19926465

Please let us know what you think. And above all else, once again: thank you. You're all awesome!


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