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KORRA. (As of end of Sunday Night.) Thank you all for the success of the vote. It was a close run with Gwen in second place. Cheers D.



This result was inevitable, but I voted for another option.

Ai Muhao

I have to admit, I'm surprised that Jane from Tarzan was in the top three along with Gwen and Korra.


yeah, oh well. I was thinking of doing something with the two other characters somewhere down the line in the comic.

Ai Muhao

Oh, I agree. I mean, when I think about it, she's pretty cute too. And seeing someone so prim and proper go through something like what Elsa did would probably be hot. It almost seems a shame to simply use her and Gwen as incidentals like Rapunzel was, though. Maybe they can star in the Life in the Day series, or you keep them in reserve for another day?