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Hello! First I want thank you for the support, words cannot express how thankful I am. I think at this point in the comic, I want to introduce and make the process a little more interactive with my biggest supporters. For the next arch, my writer and I have decided that we would like to do a character suggested by our patreons. I will be emailing $10 patreons individually to ask for three characters you would have us focus on our next story arch. We will then pick a few characters from your suggestions and hold a vote that all patreons will be able to participate in. Rules: No loli (Anyone who looks like a toddler or a child) Example: Angelica from Rugrats(Not ok) Gwen from Ben 10 (Ok)


Ai Muhao

A question: would different versions of the same character count as separate? For example, Gwen from the original Ben 10, Gwen from Alien Force and Gwendolyn from the Ben 10 000 future. I'm sure they do, but I think it's best to be clear.


as long as the character is not "what is considered as a loli" it should be fine.