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I got this concept a while back & have been playing around with it on and off since then.  Which is basically how I do everything that isn't my regular comic work.  Just sort of coming up with scenes and concepts that are related to the main premise, while not actually getting a complete narrative going.  Of course the narrative isn't the most important thing to most viewers.  These little bits are the high points that they would come back to over and over anyway.  Although I would like to have a complete narrative at some point when life quits kicking me down the stairs.  

This premise gave me a clear use for a lot of Carol related things that were just sort of kicking around without a cohesive narrative arc to work within.  It solves the motivation problem in that she is not in complete control, so morally ambiguous things she does are taken care of without ruining her virtue per se.  With Evrina it's different because she has an established mean streak that is different from Carol's more generally bossy behavior.  Maybe some other people can just do whatever but it's difficult for me.  

Of course I could have just used new characters but, for whatever reason, these ones are the only ones people strongly respond to.  So whatever, I guess I'm stuck.  Even these things aren't lighting the world on fire, but if I could get, like, 500 patrons that would at least make it worth dedicating more time to generally.  I've found that a modest level of success is more than enough to survive on.  I think a lot of creators get hung up on wanting a lot but then they can't accept their place when they don't get it.  I accept my place.  Sure I strive for more, but I know my limited value.  

Anyway, I'll probably come back to this idea over time until I have a little comic I can enjoy.  I'm going to add other images that are related to these first ones just so you don't have to go find them to peruse.  




I love this concept, by the way. The art of her floating with her mouth open in particular really sells the scale and her delight.