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I posted this just about the time I was finding out some bad family news and I guess I forgot to post it here in the shuffle.  These images aren't very enticing apparently, or maybe I just don't have the reach on social media yet.  Or possibly this stuff is just too niche for someone of middling skill to do well.  Whatever the reason I'm not setting the world on fire yet.

As far as this goes it's more of this weird "pregnant with a new multiverse" idea I was playing around with as a way to tie a lot of random Carol images together narratively.  I really like the face on this one.  You'd think it would be easy to just make Carol look right since she has a pretty basic anime girl head as her base design, but somehow I still manage to fuck it up regularly.  

Anyway, I'm looking after my grandpa again, and there's he whole grief thing I'm going through, which kind of screws up my ability to make this kind of thing.  So I really appreciate those of you who are supporting me in spite of the sucky updates.  I don't know how long this is all going to go on but I'm trying very hard to still produce content.  Anyway, I know this kind of stuff kills the mood so I'll leave it at that.  

I have a stack of half finished things I was going to clean up for patreon in the chamber, I just got sideswiped by stuff & I'm having trouble getting my footing back.  Hopefully I can get my shit together enough over the weekend to get something new up that's worth your money.



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