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The time has come!

We are very pleased to announce that the steam version of Paradise Inc is now available through steam! You can find our game Here!

Steam definitely had us jumping through a few hoops (perhaps a little more than we were expecting) but we learned a lot about publishing. For those of you uninterested in the steam version, don't worry. We'll be updating the game in all of the usual places within a week with all of the last steam related polish.

We'll be making another post next week that will reiterate our future plans regarding the next game, the patreon being paused, etc, as we expect that will be the last one for a while! With Paradise Inc finished (aside from the occasional bug fix), we're looking forward to start exploring and brainstorming for the next game from Sinspirational!

See you all next week!
Cambion and Luciana



Will Patrons be getting Steam keys, or do we have to purchase it?


Would need to purchase them separately, though there is no content in the steam version that is unique except for a bit of polish that will be added elsewhere in a week