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Hello everyone!

We hope you've all been well! Luciana and I have been getting used to a world without deadlines, and it is a bit of a change! The finale for Paradise Inc has gone far and wide, and we're so delighted so many of you have enjoyed this thing we've put so many years into.

We have continued to tinker in the background, fixing a couple of lingering issues that have been discovered and sanding down a couple of long-standing rough edges. We do intend to get this game on Steam if we can, so please look forward to news about that in the near future.

As a reminder, we will be putting the Patreon on hold in December of this year, until we have another project to show off. We'll probably have one or two more updates like this between now and then, but new content for Paradise Inc has been wrapped. If you'd like to continue hanging out with us as we gear up to whatever comes next, don't forget to check out our Discord server! It's a chill place to hang out and talk about whatever nerdy stuff appeals.

Again, we thank you all for your support, and happy hunting! 

Cambion and Luciana


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