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Mmmmmochi asks: "How did you two get the idea for the game? And has the game turned out as you expected, or was there a left turn in execution?"

Cambion Answers: We have talked about how we got together and decided to do the game Here so I'll give you some more interesting background.

The setting of 'Paradise' actually came from roleplays. Lazren was created as part of an event on a MUSH I was playing. Someone else was playing Lust, so I was left to figure out how to play Sloth in a kinky way! I had a great deal of fun creating her character -- so much fun that I eventually broke the character out for a one on one roleplay with a friend of mine. That story began with a young man encountering Sloth in the city of Paradise (Nevada, USA!), and things eventually spinning out to encompass the whole world.

So, when I decided to make a sexy game, that character and rough storyline was already on the top of my mind, and I decided to do a version of it.  Luciana came on board a little bit later, so didn't have a lot of influence on the setting or set-up. She did, however, get to do some wonderful writing regarding the ending, as Chastity and Desire were very strongly hers!

Luciana Answers: There's not much to add here.  As mentioned, I came in after Cambion had already had the idea of the game, and even the first few characters complete.  That meant that the world itself, the main aspects of the setting (Lazren, the Tower, Mason, the Sins), and such were already in place.

Did it turn out as we expected?  I think more or less, yes.  There weren't any major curveballs until Paypal cut our payments -- but that was right at the end.  We did have to cut a fair number of ideas I would have liked to pursue.  When you're a small team like us, and have to balance full time day jobs around it, it means you have to make sure the scope stays manageable.

Electricstar asks: What kinks or fetishes that you enjoy or enjoy writing didn't make it into Paradise, and do you think you'll get the chance with future projects?

Cambion Answers: I'm a fan of hypnosis and (usually consensual) reprogramming, adding mental changes and play to the physical adjustments Paradise is known for. Unfortunately, pay providers and Patreon is a lot more strict on that sort of thing, so JJ was about as close to it as we were willing to get.

Luciana Answers:  I am the Queen of all* things taboo, so... there's a lot of things I would have loved to incorporate, but couldn't because of the aforementioned restrictions from Patreon.  'Family adventures', animal encounters, monsters, corruption, non-consensual play... all those sort of things. Michael's transformations are as close as we were able to come to those things, and I very much did enjoy writing those!

If you're the type of person who really likes that stuff, and would like to see us have a less restricted hand at some point -- let us know.  SubscribeStar is another payment platform that specializes in adult content, but we never got an audience over there, so if you're willing to follow, make it worth our while!

* Not actually 'all'.  I do have my limits.

Majuba asks: When did the idea of more romantic plots enter the picture?

Cambion Answers: That was me! The thought was that we did a lot of work to make the characters deep and likable, and letting players pursue them even more would be better than just an endless supply of new characters who run out of content after you transform them. Overall, I think a somewhat mixed success. I think people love having even more content for their favorite characters...but every character having two transformations, and our romances being so deep, meant it took us a LOT of updates to complete the set, and people were far less interested in updates for the characters that weren't their favorites. I'd probably modify our approach if we did it again, but I'm proud of the stories!

Cautioussub asks: Will Chastity ever be a kink in the game (and not the character)?

Cambion Answers: So I can answer definitely for Paradise, no. We just don't have time. Our last updates are closing down the things we've already started, and we've implemented a 'no new content' rule as we try to put a bow on things. In the future is a little harder! It's possible, but would need to be a very different game. Paradise is designed as an open game where you're permitted to be dominant or submissive, male or female, and choose who you populate your tower with. When people request chastity, I find it's usually pointed to male characters, and usually happening to the main character. I think if we were to put it into a game like Paradise, that would only serve a subsection of a subsection of players, so it probably wouldn't be broad enough. If the story already assumed a submissive main character, especially a male one, then it would be a larger percent...

Luciana Answers:  Chastity (male or female) isn't a particular kink of mine per se.  (I do consider it one of the primary drives of a dominant character with their submissive, but... that's less 'kink' and more 'etiquette' for me, and that could be another topic entirely.)  Given all the OTHER kinks I have that I'd want to include, chastity would almost certainly not make the list if I had free choice of what to include.

Danielxcutter asks: Do you plan on making a 'prologue' about Desire and Chastity later on?

Cambion Answers: Hard to say! So we don't know what we're doing after Paradise! That would be an interesting thing to explore, but would have the disadvantage that it always ends unhappily (since those two get their happy ending in Paradise). So all I can say is maybe!

Luciana Answers:  I don't have any plans of it.  A certain amount of mystery adds to the story, and we've admittedly done that a lot in Paradise:  sometimes on purpose, sometimes not.  The beauty of Desire and Chastity's unknown backstory is that fans can invent whatever they like best.  I don't know if we're popular enough that people would be writing fanfiction about Desire/Chastity (or how Mason pissed off Kayo so much), but it gives them the option to flesh out the lore in their own unique way and create versions that they adore even more than they adore the base game.

Valde1223 asks: A lot of characters mention other people in their lives that have not shown up, including Cass's mom and ex, Damien's family, Xavier's family, etc. Did you ever have any plans for them to affect the storyline?

Cambion Answers: Actually, a few of these HAVE appeared, largely in the romantic storylines, as that gave us more of a chance to dig deeper into existing characters. Xavier's family appears 'on screen' during Xun's romance line, and Cass's ex (while not appearing directly) is a pivotal role in hers.

Generally, though, I think this is one of the many aspects Luciana and I complement one another in our differences. When I wrote the character's family problems, I was mostly using them to set up the character's internal conflict, without a lot of interest in the background characters themselves. Luciana, though, loves a coherent, realistic world, and didn't think the problems were truly 'solved' until the characters had closure. This is, I think, why so many of the romances involve external people, such as Xavier's family, or Petra's brother.

Luciana Answers:   Petra's brother was originally going to be a transformable character, in fact.  We'd talked about him originally being a werewolf to counterpoint Xavier's vampire transformation, and introducing a bit of 'brotherly love' kink into Petra's story, but ultimately it didn't pan out, and the werewolf transformation went to Michael instead.  And I do love my coherent, realistic worlds, so much so that Cambion rolled his eyes just a little bit at me incorporating a version of Xun's dilemma that only unfolds if you choose neither to help her yourself, nor to send Damien to help her.

While not exactly 'other people in their lives', we have the coding in (and have had it there for quite a while) to support a pregnancy/breeding kink as well, although we ended up not incorporating it.  (If you're able to peek at the code, you'll see that almost everyone has a 'preg_chance' and 'is_preg' variable.)

Bonus Answers!

The one Sin that has never been replaced is indeed, as some people have guessed, Pride.

There's one hidden achievement that, so far as I know, no one has found.  It involves a hidden pane only accessible by a hidden link.  Two hints:  it's the easy way out...and you've been warned.

There was coding at one point to track how dominant you were with Lazren to support an 'overthrowing the queen' narrative, but this didn't end up being how the game played out in the end.

Thank you all for your questions, and don't hesitate to ping us in the discord if you have something you're still curious about. We're chugging away on our epilogue update, and we should be starting preview season in about two weeks.

Happy Hunting!
Cambion and Luciana


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