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Hello everyone!

Work on the romance update is proceeding well and we are breaking out the weapons-grade "d'awwww" on this one. We're still a few weeks away from starting preview season, so it's time for the mid-update postings!

The next update will advance the story of Paradise, centering on Chastity's third challenge and the fallout thereof. We've already got some plans in place for this one, so we won't be doing a vote for this update. Instead, we'll be doing another Q&A!

So if you've been dying to know something about the characters of Paradise, our writing or game-making process, or how (and why!) we do what we do -- it's time to ask! We'll be selecting questions and posting the answers next week on November 30th.

Check out our previous Q&As Here and Here, if you'd like to see what's been asked in the past!

You can contact us by replying to this post with your question, using our contact page, via Twitter, or by posting in the 'Feedback and Suggestions' section in our Discord channel!

We look forward to seeing what you come up with! Happy Hunting!

Luciana and Cambion


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