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Hello Everyone!

Chastity calls again and, once more, she's posing you a challenge. You may be a demon, but you're not a monster. The path of victory is obvious... but is it worth selling out what's left of your soul?

That's your dilemma in soon-to-come update 1.15. You'll meet Michael, who shows up ready to put you into a Hell of a bind. You'll need to think fast -- or get clever -- if you want to out-maneuver him and wipe the smirk off his face.

Tune in on Tuesday October 11th. Want to know more?  Read on!


But first... pull up a chair.  We need to talk about an important aspect of Paradise Inc.:  Consent.

People often compliment us on how wholesome Paradise is, and that's something we take pride in.  Consent (and enthusiastic consent!) is built into the entire structure of Paradise, and it shows. At the same time, we know that people can find titillation in the fantasy of things they would not want to happen to them in real life, and that's okay, too.

When we polled you all on what options you would like to see for our character, the vote went overwhelmingly toward darker fare: a truly dominant character who could scratch the itch for more force, and more aggression than your switch employees could muster. Luciana and I talked a great deal, and Michael is what we came up with.

Michael is truly a dominant character, and that is not up for debate. He does not have scenes where he is submissive to you, and your necklace will not change that.  His scenes also have more of an edge than Paradise's traditional style, though every action occurring on screen is still explicitly consensual. 

If that isn't your cup of tea, that's fine. You can transform him without any hanky panky, and you can opt-out of his sexual content (the Tower, in character, will protect you from anything you don't truly want). We've even built in an ending where the Main Character (you!) refuses to engage with him at all.  If you do choose to engage with him... well. Michael makes it very clear what the consequences of your choice will be.

That's the talk! And now that we've had it: we look forward to you experiencing Michael's storyline, and hearing what you think about it!  For our players more interested in the softer side of Paradise, we will be returning to our romance updates in patch 1.16 by finishing the romantic storylines of Dana, Petra (Siren), and JJ!

Happy Hunting, and now on to the Patch Notes!


Patch Notes - 1.15 - Feeding The Beast

Chastity's Second Challenge

     Chastity has another challenge for you, and this one is a doozy. Michael is loud, belligerent, and knows exactly what you are. His terms are simple: give him exactly what he wants, or he'll tank your chances to ever be Desire. What will you do when you find a wish you don't want to fulfill?

A Romantic Interlude
Gather your thoughts on a dark midnight evening and maybe receive a drop in from a very special partner, including Paradise's first small scene featuring a Harem situation (multiple non exclusive romances).

A Beast, Within or Without

Two options to complete the transformation for Michael and finish his storyline, but you might just have more of an upper hand than he thinks.

  •  (Werewolf) What big....teeth you have!  Grant Michael the physical power to dominate others by letting out his inner beast. This werewolf is strong, lean, and more than happy to take what he wants. Will you shelter inside or make yourself prey?
  • (Eldritch One) Dominance over the body is fine, but dominance over the mind is so much more intimate. You can grant him the power to cloud the mind as he sees fit... by transforming him into a tentacle-faced eldritch beast of forgotten lore! Can you remain clear-eyed against such a being, or will you fall under his psychic sway?

Begin The Hunt

Michael's intimate scenes are not activated by request. HE will find YOU, if you've opted in. These scenes are most similar to dominant Mason's in style, with at least three new small scenes for each of the two forms.

Achievement Improvements

     Your achievements will now follow you from place to place -- provided you export and import your saved game!  Previously achievements were locked to the particular browser and computer you played on. Now, they are part of the save file itself and can be 'transported' accordingly to whatever device you desire.

Bug Fixes and Typos

     Because there's always more.  Keep reporting them!  Eventually, some day, we'll give up and cry.  Er, I mean, we'll finally catch them all!


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