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Hello Everyone!

We hope you are enjoying the new character and our continuing adventures with demons and angels in Paradise.  Work has begun on 1.14, but first we wanted to pop in with an update and some important news moving forward. (Don't worry, it should mostly be good news!)

We began Paradise Inc more than 2 years ago. In that time, we've come a long way, introduced dozens of new characters, had a name change, and learned an immense amount about writing, smut, and game design. We've met some absolutely wonderful people and seen our game go out into the world to be enjoyed by thousands of people. We would not trade it for the world.

However, Luciana and I have also come to the realization that we've learned (almost) everything that this game has to teach us, and we're both starting to get excited for the prospect of new ventures with new technology, along with a chance to stretch our wings in new mediums. Don't worry, this is not a post to announce we're leaving Paradise Inc... but it is a post about the end of Paradise Inc.

We would never leave the story half-finished.  A complete story, ending and all, has always been the goal, and we've both seen too many promising projects fade away while waiting for updates that never came. But we have agreed that it's time to begin fast-tracking towards the grand finale, rather than enjoying quite so many scenic detours (lovely as they are!).

Paradise Inc still has more than a year's worth of content to it, so you've got to put up with us for a while longer, but we will be shifting our process away from expansion and toward completion, accelerating our schedule with a lean toward chapter updates and content finishing. 

What does that mean?  Well, here's a helpful breakdown:

What WILL we do before completion?

* A complete story: a resolution to our main character's new employment, Lazren's plan, and the corrupted Desire.

* All current romances will be finished, up to and including endings with specific characters

* Polish, polish, polish!  We plan to squash all known major bugs and typos until the game is ready for possible release on standalone platforms, like Steam.

What MIGHT we do before completion?

* New Romances. Some few characters have never received a romance path, and some of the ones we plan to add may not have enough time for a full path. Let us know if there is anyone in particular who hasn't yet had a path begun that you'd love to see fleshed out!

* Additional Side Content - Filling out optional character stories, new random scenes, and otherwise increasing the amount of sexy content in the game.

What WON'T we do?

*New unique features or major overhauls. The game will largely be as it is and our efforts will have an eye toward completing what already exists.

* Non 'Main Storyline' Characters. Though we still have a few waiting for their appearance, the cast of chapter 1 and 2 is now locked, and the cast of 3 will largely be those who (like Nadia) have a part to play in your finale.


As I said before, this is more than enough to keep us busy for a while. We will begin alternating Main Story expansion updates and Romance updates in an effort to get everything that we promised over the finish line. 

Here are a few more answers to questions we can anticipate:

But I Just Backed For A Year! Did I Waste My Money?

Even limiting ourselves just to the content we need to finish the game, we have more than enough to fill a year. We'll be monitoring this situation as we got a little closer to the big finale, and will consider taking the year long backing option down once we think there'll be less than 12 months to enjoy.

Does This Mean There Will No Longer Be Voting?

Votes will continue much as they have in the past. For example, we will still be putting up polls as to which romances are finished first, and may offer different potential characters or transformations as we proceed. However, expect the options list to shrink somewhat as we begin to put checks in boxes.

What If There's More Content I Want?

Never hesitate to drop us a line. We can't promise anything particular at this time, but we do like to make our players happy. We're absolutely going to make sure this a product we're proud of before we call it complete.

What Will The New Game Be?

We have no idea! We'd never start working on something while on a deadline for Paradise, as we wouldn't want to take our efforts away from the game you're backing. It is very likely that, when Paradise finally goes dark, we will keep the Patreon open for a few months, then put a freeze on it. Should there be something new on the horizon, you'll be the first to know about it (whether or not you remain subscribed to us, we'll make sure an email goes out).


Well, that's about all from us. We hope you're as excited as we are as we get into the home stretch of Paradise Inc.  We sincerely couldn't have come this far without you. You keep our wheels spinning, and we're intensely grateful to every single one of you.

Happy Hunting,

Cambion and Luciana


The Lord of the Well

Can't wait to see how you end this story, plus what you'll do next!


Would love to see Sara(kitsune) have a romance because two interesting characters, also happy to hear the exact plans