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Well hello!

We're very excited to announce the winner of last week's poll! By a clear margin, the next update after Avery will focus on...


It would appear that our patrons are ready to get a little closer to their favorite characters. Those of you who were hoping to see some more duo scenes, though, might have something to look forward to in the near future...

But for now, it's time for a followup! Now that we've determined we'll be expanding Romance and finishing a few of our dangling storylines, we have to decide who our first romantic targets are. Because we haven't done this yet, we're going to limit this poll to 2 specific character transformations. We might be able to squeeze in more of our own choice, but we'd rather not promise so much that we can't deliver.

The winners of this poll will see their romance arc finished and the dangling ends resolved! You may vote for as many characters you like, but only the top two will be finished during this update. We'll be running this poll for a week, ending at 11:59 on Sunday, November 14th.

Happy Hunting!
Cambion and Luciana


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