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Well hello there!

We're rapidly nearing backer build release for Selene's brand new expansion. How near, you ask? Well, how does next Saturday October 2nd suit you? That's right, just one more week to wait until you can deepen your relationship with your favorite scaly squeeze...just make sure you aren't the one getting squeezed too hard!

For those of you following us who aren't patrons as yet, you'll get to enjoy the public release on Saturday October 16th!

After Selene is released, we'll be moving on to our next major update, and it's a doozy! With so many soul gems available in Chapter 2, it's time for us to move the main story along. That's right, update 1.11.0 will finally feature the arrival of Avery to the tower. For your sake, you'd better hope you've been keeping up with your duties...

But that's for the future! What does this update contain? I'm so glad you asked!

Patch Notes: 1.10.0

Selene's Big Adventure

-Selene has been naga-napped! It's time to head down to Sisters, Oregon in a brand new mystery adventure.

-Match wits with the Hellsing Society, but pay attention! The future of your endeavor may depend on your keen eye for lies and inconsistencies!

-Selene's adventure will be automatically triggered a few days after upgrading the vault for the second time. This can occur in either chapter 1 or 2 (though 2 is more likely).

Selene Transformations

-Patch 1.10.0 also features some brand new options for your naga employee. This transformation will be triggered at the end of the adventure without need to expend energy.

Big Selene-There's a whole lot of her to love! Players who choose this path will enjoy the charms of a 10 foot tall naga who is more than happy to wrap you up for the evening. If you ever wanted to enjoy both an expanded chest and additional equipment, this is the option for you.

Twin Selene- If that's a bit too much of any one woman to handle, how about two women? This change induces a split in our dear naga employee and creates an (almost) identical copy. If it wasn't for the fact that they each seem to have been expanded in different ways, it would be impossible to tell them apart. But what will you do with two Selenes?

New Systems - Achievement Skips

-Have you ever been frustrated by the need to replace some old sections of content? Well, we're streamlining some of our older adventures. Beginning in patch 1.10.0, both the Selene Adventure and the hunt for Xavier will offer a shortcut if you already have the appropriate achievement for that storyline. You are a child of sloth, after all.

We're very excited to finally let you get ahold of this new content. We hope you enjoy playing it as much as we enjoyed making it.

Happy Hunting,
Luciana and Cambion


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