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It's probably still Friday somewhere!  Our apologies that the poll is up a little late.  Cambion has been writing up a storm and may have forgotten the schedule, but we are here now!

As a reminder, Update 1.10 will be a content expansion poll. As a result, the options are focused on expanding existing content within Paradise, usually in a way that requires no (or at least less) art than the new content expansions. You may vote for as many options as you wish, but it is winner take all, so a vote for everything is the same as a vote for nothing. Polls will be weighted according to our Patreon tiers and then we'll announce the winner after the polls have closed. 

 We've got quite a few new supporters, so here are some more details on your options:

1. Additional Scenes - Intimate Scenes:  Want a little more titillation in Paradise? This option would see an additional scene option added to many of your current employees, up from the current standard of 2 (dom/sub).

2. Additional Scenes - Duo Scenes:  This option will expand employee interactions with each other, and will feature more scenes that star more than one employee at a time (similar to those scenes that trigger at work if you have two characters from the same place).

3. Romance Expansion:  This option will finish some of the romance/date storylines for 2-3 characters through to their completion. Character selection will come up with a follow-up poll if this option wins.

4. Alternate Transformation Viewer - Ever not had the save for the scene you want? This option will see us building in a way to view alternate possibilities and see scenes from employee transformations you did not choose.

5. Munokho and Kagar - Interested in getting to know your Orcish trainers? They probably don't have soulgems for you, and they're quite happy the way they are, but this option would introduce a method to enjoy at least part of their marital bliss.

6. Selene - Do you like sneks? Would you like to get to know your Naga Vault a little better? This update would include more full-on content with your expanding employee.


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