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Hello Everyone!

We're just about to enter the lead up to Update 1.8.0's release, making sure we've got all the little changes implemented and tested properly. I wanted to take a quick break and talk about what we've got planned for our next update after this, update 1.9.0! As you may remember, this is the first Dealer's Choice update, where Luciana and I decide the content. We've been thrilled with the support from our community for this idea when, to be honest, we were somewhat worried some of our fans would be upset to lose the direct control over the contents, but you all put that to rest. We're very pleased to announce the focus of our next update, which will be....  (drumroll, please....!)

...the Mason Expansion! Our favorite four-armed scientist gets his own storyline with an accidental mishap in the lab that could result in a much more intimate (and permanent) relationship with the main character!

There's a few reasons we picked Mason for this update, but one of the biggest is we want to make sure Paradise Heights has a little something for everyone. Our audience skews toward the feminine as a whole, with male character options usually struggling to make a showing on our polls. Yet, among those that are interested in the male characters, Mason is always the one that gets asked about. I can't count the number of times someone has inquired whether the 'guy with four arms' was datable yet, and I've always been excited to write that story. Does this mean we'll always be using dealer's choice to add male characters? No. There isn't an even split, and we're comfortable with that overall, but we thought this was a good opportunity for us to keep Paradise diverse and make sure there are characters to suit a number of different tastes.

This choice also helps solve a couple of other needs for the game. First, we knew we needed one more soulgem before Avery's arrival, as we wanted to make sure it was possible to both meet and exceed the requirements for chapter 2. Mason, as many of you may already know, got his gift from Lazren, but didn't end up in the perfect life he'd hoped, meaning there's a little more human in him than he'd like to admit. A problem you can solve.

Second, Mason is already in the body he wants, so this gives us the opportunity to explore changes outside of the physical. Paradise Heights features the ability to play in either a dominant or submissive fashion, but these choices are generally limited to the scene you're in. More accurately, they could be called 'top or bottom' choices, more than dominance or submission. With Mason, we'll be exploring something a little more 'lifestyle' based, so if you like collars and rules, you may very much enjoy this addition. If you don't, I promise we'll do our best to make sure there's something in each update you can enjoy.

We hope you're excited to see how Mason's story progresses (and maybe sneak in a couple of extra bonuses along the way, you know how we are). We'll be ramping up Update 1.8.0 and announcing the release date soon, so look forward to that. After that launches, we'll be doing a new poll for update 1.10.0, which will be another expansion update chosen by you! Look forward to more news in the near future.

As always, Happy Hunting!

Cambion and Luciana



Glad you're having great success, loving the characters so far