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Hello Everyone!

The day has come for Sara to arrive officially into the hallowed halls of Paradise Heights. We hope you all will give her an exceedingly warm welcome! She can be found in the Casino in the afternoon and in the evening, though the time of day may determine what you get out of her.

Sara was a lot of fun to write, and is a bit of a return to 'classic' after Petra and Xavier featured more unusual character mechanics. We hope you enjoy play with her as much as we enjoyed creating her, but there's only one way to find out.

The public release is now live!

Patch Notes 1.7.0 

Please note that 1.7.0 includes new character images, so to play offline you'll need to download both the HTML and the graphics assets! Also note that Sara currently does not have a romance option, so she won't appear in the 'take on a date' menu.

What's next for Sinspirational? Luciana and I have already started work on the next update, which will be focused on gamification and mechanical improvements. We're really set to go full bore on this one, and we can't wait to start showing off the changes we have in mind. Be on the lookout for previews of all of the things we've got in the works.

Also keep your ear to the ground in early April, as we'll be announcing the planned content for the follow update after that, the first of the new Dealer's Choice updates. If you're new or you missed the details of our new update schedule, you can find that Here.

Well, we have work to do, and you have a new character to enjoy! We're so grateful for your continued support and hope to continue making steamy games for you for a long time to come.

Happy Hunting!
Cambion and Luciana


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